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They are light novels: very easy and quick to read.

Twitter: justjazalyn
Instagram: justjazalyn
TikTok: @jjaazzaall
YouTube: jazalyn

My audience is of all ages. If you can’t purchase, I could send to you a promo code in Apple iBooks, an Arc from Book Funnel or you can suggest any other way you want.

I would be grateful if you could review or/and write an article in any store, social media, your blog/website or/and anywhere you want. I’m also willing for an email interview.

My books are in many stores worldwide but I’m personally focusing on Google Play, Apple iBooks, Rakuten Kobo, Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble, GoodReads, BookBub. And of course social media, mainly Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Medium. But I’m eager to evolve my Pinterest and other social media as well.


vViIrRuUsS: I NEVER FORGET is a post apocalyptic techno thriller with elements of science fiction, dystopian, philosophical fantasy, psychological fiction, crime fiction, legal/medical mystery, military/genetic engineering suspense.

Logline: A dangerous world where everyone can become a criminal.

Synopsis: Virus virus expose past, secrets, thoughts, crimes and the true reality and cause madness. Who is guilty? Who is innocent?

Links for vViIrRuUsS

ROSE: FUTURE HEART is dark fantasy romance towards self-esteem, self-help, self-love, self-development, self-improvement, healing.

Logline: A rare rose strives to turn a blurry past into a bright future.

Synopsis: A mentally and physically tortured rose is trying through introversion to avoid society’s violence so as to retain her true, pure and moral character.

Links for ROSE

HOLLOW: A LOVE LIKE A LIFE is romantic suspense supernatural paranormal romance, mystical/spiritual fantasy, romantic mystery.

Logline: A spiritual wind makes an impossible romance possible.

Synopsis: Two ghost spirits live their love despite being in different universes, in light’s and in dark’s, through secret language filling them sacred energy.

Links for HOLLOW

Novels by John Green 0

John Green is the author of some popular fiction books which are based on the life of children, teenagers and young adults. Though his first book was published only in 2005, he has subsequently published six novels and five short stories. The john green review has autobiographical information about John Green, his education, and his experience being bullied by other people stronger than him. It also talks about how the writer has shared his personal experiences in the numerous novels which he has published. Like most novels, these works of fiction cover a gamut of emotions and experiences.

Looking for Alaska, the story of a high school student, was the first novel published by John Green in 2005. It was followed by the book An Abundance of Katherines published in 2006, about the life of depressed person who took a road trip. Paper Towns was probably the most popular work of fiction , and was number five in the New York Times list of best selling children’s books. The Fault in our Stars,Let it Snow, Will Grayson, Will Grayson are other published novels by John Green.