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Review: Proper eye care 0

One of the most common prejudices is that people who are wearing spectacles are studious and academically brilliant. The companies which supply the eye care products, contact lenses and spectacles often are involved in promoting spectacle wearing people who are their customers. In some cases, government agencies are also believing the lies of those who wear spectacles.
In reality eyesight and wearing spectacles is linked to taking proper care of eyes, nutrition and in some cases hereditary factors. So those who wish to ensure that their eyes remain healthy often try to get information on taking care of their eyes. The book “Proper Eye Care” provides fairly comprehensive information on eye care starting from the structure and parts of the eye.
The book is divided into chapters like types of eyes,expressions conveyed through the eyes, how images are formed. The book also mentions how good the eye sight of a person is, factors which can adversely affect the eyesight and also some factors which can cause great harm to the eyesight. It also discusses the loss of vision which is usually gradual in most people.
A few chapters are also used to discuss the eye problems,defects and ailments. Games and exercises can be used to alleviate these eye problems to some extent. Conventional medicines for treating eye ailments as well as ayurvedic medicines are discussed. Food which will keep eyes healthy, recipes to improve eyesight are listed. Information on other methods to improve eyesight, and food for healthy eyes has been provided.
Guidelines and cautions for using contact lenses which many people prefer to use are also provided. The ear nose, throat system which affects the eyesight to some extent are also discussed to some extent.

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With many young people wearing spectacles, this book provides useful information to those who wish to improve their eye sight.

Proper Eye care
Author: Dr Rajeev Sharma
Publisher: Manoj Publications, 2011
Pages: 162

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