Book stack

Review: Grandma Tales 0

Books with short stories are always popular since it is easier and quicker to read one short story. The book “Grandma Tales” is a collection of 16 short stories for children, which grandmothers and others can narrate.
Some of the stories are about problems which many people face, theft of jewelry at home by servants or household help. Other stories are about bribery and abuse of power of employees, especially staff working for the king.
Other stories are about the greed and hypocrisy of the rich. They will believe anything if they are benefiting financially, even if it is obviously not true. They are also often ruthless in cheating, exploiting others
The book is different from most other books since it is in large print which is easy to read, so it is suitable for those who do not have good eyesight.
At the end of each story, difficult to understand words are explained in simple language, so this book is recommended for those who wish to improve their English grammar and vocabulary.

Kindly note that raw/cbi/indian government employees and their associates like panaji greedy goan bhandari scammers tago bull dog owning slim sunaina,pooja,priya, tejas chodan, siddhi mandrekar,panaji greedy goan gsb housewife EXTORTIONIST robber riddhi nayak caro, kolhapur/panaji sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani who looks like actress sneha wagh, her scammer sons karan, axe bank manager nikhil, bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree,indore robber housewife bespectacled deepika/veena, gurgaon haryana scammer mba hr ruchika kinge, greedy gujju stock trader amita patel with net worth Rs 100 crores are not associated with the blog in any way, since they do not spend any time reading, writing, refuse to pay the domain renewal fees, yet make fake claims after stealing data, in a financial fraud, cybercrime, government SLAVERY beating Anthony Levandowski’s data theft from Google to get very good government salaries at the expense of the real domain investor, reviewer who is making great financial losses because of the online, financial fraud, correspondence theft. Though the government SLAVERY racket, resume theft is widely discussed in reddit, quora since 2016, india’s greedy tech and internet companies refuse to end it.

Quick read for those who like reading books to relax or fall asleep quickly
Grandma Tales
Author: Sneha Sheth
Publisher: Sheth Publishing House, 2014
Pages: 115

Review: The comic capers of Sheikh Chilli 0

The mainstream media regularly carries the news of those who top the various entrance, school and college exams. They also carry a lot of advertising from coaching classes, with photos of the toppers. However, the harsh reality of living in india is that academic performance does not matter later in life, and many toppers including the reviewer are victims of resume robbery, identity theft , with school dropout housewives, call girls, stock brokers and other high status well connected frauds getting lucrative no work no investment government jobs with the robbed resume, savings of the professional.
The comic capers of Sheikh Chilli is about the life of simpleton Sheikh Chilli, various incidents from his life. Initially he was living with his mother, who got him married. Though he is simple, and always making mistakes, he is lucky that in almost all cases, the matter is usually resolved.
The nawab impressed by his simplicity hires him and he is getting a monthly salary
He is also rewarded periodically when the nawab is pleased with him.
The book has twenty different stories, for reading at night
This confirms that conditions in india have worsened, no one cares for honest people, government agencies waste taxpayer money to ensure that engineers from top colleges do not get any paid work to force them to agree to resume robbery, give up their savings, resume to the lazy greedy relatives, friends and associates of the well paid extremely greedy government employees in a sophisticated form of bribery of greedy dishonest top indian tech and internet companies
Kindly note that raw/cbi/indian government employees and their associates like greedy goan bhandari scammers tago bull dog owning slim sunaina,pooja,priya, tejas chodan, siddhi mandrekar,greedy goan gsb housewife EXTORTIONIST robber riddhi nayak caro, kolhapur/panaji sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani who looks like actress sneha wagh, her scammer sons karan, nikhil, bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree,indore robber housewife bespectacled deepika/veena, gurgaon haryana scammer mba hr ruchika kinge, greedy gujju stock trader amita patel with net worth Rs 100 crores are not associated with the blog in any way, since they do not spend any time reading, writing, refuse to pay the domain renewal fees, yet make fake claims after stealing data, in a financial fraud, cybercrime, government SLAVERY to get very good government salaries at the expense of the real domain investor, reviewer who is making great financial losses because of the online, financial fraud, correspondence theft. Though the government SLAVERY racket, resume theft is widely discussed in reddit, quora since 2016, india’s greedy tech and internet companies refuse to end it
The book is recommended for children and those who like funny stories
The comic capers of Sheikh Chilli
Retold by Anupa Lal
Publisher : Scholastic India, 2007
Pages: 97

Review : The Perfect Woman and other short stories, author Bulbul Sharma 0

The perfect woman is the story of the different girlfriends of a rich single man, and his death while searching for the perfect woman
The website content is mainly about how top government employees are exploiting older single women to make their sugar babies,usually 15-20 years younger rich and powerful, with the stolen resume, savings.
Hence the short story sisters in the book of short stories by bulbul sharma is interesting.
It is the story of a girl called Urmila who is kept as a mistress by a rich businessman, called Lalaji who is more than 60 years old
Initially the Lalaji is very infatuated with Urmila , who he calls rita and spends a lot of time with her.
he also purchases an apartment and pays her a monthly allowance.
After a few years, he spends less time with her, and rita is relieved since she has more free time for herself.
However, after eight years, she has put on a lot of weight and is not as good looking as she was when she was eighteen, and first met Lalaji
Usually the Lalaji would call rita and fix the time when he would be visiting her, at least once a month.
When Lalaji does not contact her for a few months, rita decides to visit him.
There the lalaji tells her, that he has found a new girl, who looks exact like her, they may be sisters, and he is hiring her.
Though the mainstream media does not carry the news, top ntro/raw employees are exactly like rich businessmen in keeping mistresses, SUGAR BABIES instead of spending their own salary money, they get the indian government hire their girlfriends, falsely claiming that they have the resume, savings of hardworking single women who the top ntro/raw employees hate, criminally defame in the worst manner.
For example top ntro employee j srinivasan is falsely claiming that the website of his single engineering classmate who he HATES, is owned by his sugar baby, though he is aware that his lazy greedy sugar baby goan bhandari sunaina chodan,like him does not pay for the domain, webhosting expenses, she does no do any computer work at all. Bengaluru shivalli brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree, 2005 bbm, is another girlfriend of j srinivasan who he has got a raw job faking writing work, when nayanshree is only cooking, cleaning for her crooked husband,tata power guruprasad
Instead of admitting that the relationship between top ntro employee j srinivasan and his lazy greedy sugar baby goan bhandari sunaina chodan is only personal, the indian government is encouraging well paid ntro/raw employees to CHEAT, EXPLOIT, ROB private citizens, falsely claiming that the domains, websites of private citizens, belong to them and their girlfriends like the greedy gujju stock broker domain fraudster amita patel featured on moneycontrol, hindu business line, haryana scammer mba hr ruchika kinge, kolhapur/panaji sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani, her scammer sons karan, nikhil.
The book is worth reading since it provides interesting information on relationships and people in India, which a private citizen who is completely isolated due to correspondence theft by ntro/raw/cbi employees would not otherwise get
Book: The Perfect Woman and other short stories
Author : Bulbul Sharma
Publisher: UBS Publishers Distributors Ltd.
Published : 1994

Review: The Divine Arbiter and other stories by Munshi Premchand 0

Munshi Premchand, original name Dhanpat Rai, is one of the most popular hindi authors and his stories are part of the school books of almost everyone who has studied hindi in school and college. The Divine Arbiter and other stories is a collection of his short stories translated into English for the benefit of a wider audience. Some of the stories like “The chess players” has been made into a movie ” Shatranj Ke Khilari” about chess players who were so addicted to playing chess that they forget everything else. The Divine Arbiter is how a person who is judging should not allow his hatred , greed or relationship affect his judgement and decision, however this is absent in India today as government employees shamelessly abuse their power, indulge in corruption and nepotism.

The inspector of salt is the story of the rampant corrupt prevalent in government jobs, and explains the bribe taking mechanism which has not changed much in the last 100 years in India. As Munshi Vanshidhar father explains, he should not look at the position or job in the government, he should look at how much bribes he can make. The monthly salary is like the full moon which is sighted once in a month and becomes smaller over a period of time, while the bribes received are like flowing stream, which quenches the thirst of the government employee all the time. The under the table earnings are a gift of a God and they alone can make a person wealthy. In goa, google, tata sponsored goan R&AW/CBI employees gsb frauds housewife riddhi nayak, siddhi mandrekar, sunaina who falsely claim to own this website to get a monthly salary, are also extorting money from the shopkeepers and other business owners in panaji and elsewhere regularly

Many engineers from top colleges are preferring government jobs because they have a lot of discretionary powers, which they can abuse to become rich and powerful. For example though the lazy greedy google, tata sponsored goan bhandari R&AW employee sex worker sunaina chodan 2013 bsc is only interested in having sex with powerful men according to domain investors and does not spend any money online, powerful ntro employees led by j srinivasan, puneet are infatuated with her, and falsely claim that the sex worker who was not born in 1989 to give 1989 jee ,is their btech 1993 ee classmate, owns this domain and other websites, so that the sex worker gets a monthly R&AW salary at the expense of the domain investor who is actually paying all the expenses and controls the website.

As winston churchill correctly predicted the condition of indians will be worse in independent india than british india due to the greedy shameless fraud cruel brahmin officials, In the inspector of salt, though the inspector loses his government job after he arrests the rich Pandit Alopideen, the rich man he arrests, appreciates his honesty and gives him a better paying job, However in 2017, the largest internet and IT companies like google, tata are allegedly some of the greatest frauds in the world notorious for defaming, cheating and exploiting harmless hardworking indian citizens and getting R&AW/CBI jobs for all the lazy greedy goan sex workers, cheater housewives and others who cheat defame, exploit and harass harmless hardworking indian citizens

For example google, tata sponsored bespectacled indore housewife veena who looks like actress deepika padukone, stole the documents of the domain investor owning this website, and google,tata were so overjoyed with the indore crook for stealing the documents of her relative,, the domain investor and google competitor that these fraud companies got the indore crook a lucrative R&AW job falsely claiming that the indore document robber who does not spend any money online , owns this and other domain names, website to waste indian tax payer money paying the indore crook a monthly salary at the expense of the real domain investor. The indore document robber R&AW employee veena is only looking after her house and family in 2017, yet because she and her associates are BRIBING TOP ntro, cbi, security agency employees she is getting a dt

Similarly google, tata sponsored bengaluru shivalli brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, wife of a tata power special electronics division employee cheated the domain investor of more than Rs 1.1 lakh, goan gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar committed corporate espionage, slim goan bhandari sex worker sunaina chodan, eighth standard pass gujju housewife naina are others have defamed, cheated, exploited the domain investor and unlike a century ago, the largest companies in india like tata, google do not appreciate honesty at all, and have rewarded all the 10 lazy greedy frauds with R&AW/CBI jobs falsely claiming that these frauds own this and other websites of the dommain investor, when income tax returns, bank details will easily expose the google, tata masterminded online financial fraud, sex, resume theft racket

So during british rule, at least the wealthy appreciated honesty, in India in 2017, the corrupt government employees demand and get bribes in a sophisticated manner, and the private sector companies like google, tata also reward world famous frauds and liars with senior indian government jobs.
Other stories are about the rampant poverty, corruption, casteism, discrimination in india which is rarely covered in the media or books by indian authors. The translator Dinesh Verma works in the Indian Revenue Services, however it is highly unlikely that anyone can take any action against the extremely corrupt and powerful ntro, R&AW, CBI and security agency employees who make fake allegations without any proof at all, against harmless indian citizens , if they are BRIBED to do so.

Highly recommended for the excellent and realistic description of bribe taking, poverty and inhumanity prevalent in India

The Divine Arbiter and other stories
Author: Munshi Premchand
Translator : Dinesh Verma
Publisher/printed by CreateSpace, an Amazon company, 2017
Pages: 142

Review: Life Anecdotes by Nandita Rani 0

Life anecdotes is a compilation of short stories on various topics which many middle class indians are familiar with like promotions in a job, commuting to work, relationships between friends, divorce, marriage. The first story Myra is about sexual harassment of a young girl by her friends father, a problem that many young girls often face when they are in their teens. Most girls are looking their best in their teens and early twenties and get a lot unwelcome male attention. As a result they have to be very careful when they leave their home, else they are very likely to be molested, Technology has allowed ntro employees like hathwar, kodancha to sexually harass women in their homes without being detected

Spy cry is a story many can relate to , Middle aged women lead a fairly boring life, and entertain themselves spying on the neighbours. Young people often lead far more colourful and interesting lives, though they have only partial information, This leads to confusion, and chaos. The last lottery ticket is the story the relationship between women and their father in law. Many women do not get along with their father in law in India, and are quick to criticize them for any mistake, so the father in law, is often forced to stay away from the family of his son in his old age, and make other arrangements.

The Revenge is the story of romances during youth end on a bitter note, and relationships change over a period of time. Women are often used and discarded by men, who do not care for their feelng and emotions. Winter cap is set in the office of a company and the main protagonist Vivek has not got a promotion for more than six years despite working very hard. it highlights the problems faced by single parents, and how others are facing far greater problems than oneself, Only when a person actually encounters a person with greater problems, they realize how minor their own problem is.

Never again is the story of the stress which students face when they are not prepared for their exam. Often students may not attend classes to take part in some extra curricular activity, however it becomes difficult to cover up the missed portion later for the exams. The students becomes so stressed that she plans to skip her exam. However her friend encourages her, and after she passes, she promises that she will never again miss classes for taking part in some other activities.

One rupee coin is the story which many who are not well connected in India can relate to, as a poor girl sita is falsely accused of stealing money by her rich friend, just because she has some money, though it is the money which is given to her by her mother. In India, many who are not well connected, like this reviewer, find that they are falsely accused without any proof by the rich and powerful, to defame, cheat and exploit them for the rest of their lives. Though the person who is falsely accused is later found innocent, it affects the relationship to a very great extent, and a relationship which is destroyed once cannot be easily rebuilt.

For example fraud ntro, raw, cbi employees falsely accused the domain investor actually owning this website, of cheating people without any proof, to steal her resume, savings, correspondence, memory since 2010, though the domain investor could easily and legally prove that she had never interacted with the cbi, raw, ntro pampered frauds in her life. However the cbi employees freelancing for google, tata repeatedly their lies like parrots for more than 7 years since 2010, wasting crores of rupees in indian tax payer money. Till date the fraud continues with ntro falsely claiming that google, tata supplied goan sex workers, cheater housewives and other fraud R&AW/CBI employees who do not spend any money online, own this and other websites

A interesting and quick read on life in India today.

Life Anecdotes
Author : Nandita Rani
Publisher: White Falcon Publishing, 2017
Pages: 89

34 Bubblegums and Candies 0

A vast majority of indian educated middle class and upper class women are married to men who are working in large companies or organizations and are housewives looking after their children, which is socially acceptable in an increasingly conservative and intolerant India where indian intelligence agencies have no qualms falsely claiming that brahmin cheater housewives like gsb fraud riddhi, brahmin cheater nayanshree hathwar, goan sluts diploma holder fraud gsb siddhi mandrekar,obc slut bsc sunaina who offering sex bribes to top officials, are their Btech 1993 EE classmates, domain investors to get these frauds lucrative jobs allegedly in R&AW, with fake resumes . However there is little information available about their life , priorities and interests for others who lead a different or unconventional life. The book 34 Bubblegums and Candies by Preeti Shenoy provides a rare glimpse of the lifestyle of a middle class educated woman who looks after her family and children, while her husband pursues a conventional corporate career, with foreign trips and regular travel. The easy to read book consists of 34 short stories which are based on real life incidents and throw light on her relationship with her parents, husband, children and close friends.
Transfers every 3 years are an integral part of working in large companies, and she often spends large amounts remaining in touch with her close friends, speaking to them on phone. It also indicates how strict some indian schools are , they will punish their students if they do not turn up wearing the right uniform. The easy to read book consists of short stories which can be quickly read by those in a hurry with limited free time.
Though the slim book consisted of only 146 pages, it has proved to be popular as the 11th reprint of the book was published in 2014, indicating that there are few indian writers who cater to the large Indian audience, some of them market themselves only to the young people with their vulgar language and alienate others.

34 Bubblegums and Candies
Author: Preeti Shenoy
Publisher : Srishti Publishers and Distributors
Pages : 146