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Review: The last poem by Rabindranath Tagore 0
The last poem is a book by the Nobel Prize winner Rabindranath Tagore which was written in 1928 , and reading the book again highlights the worsening status of educated women in India in 2019. The main male character of the book is Amit Ray, the son of the richest lawyer in Calcutta, who is sent to England for further studies. He does not work as a lawyer, instead he whiles away his time enjoying with his friends. Tired of the life in Calcutta he decides to take a holiday in Shillong, the hill station for some time. He ridicules Tagore, and writes poetry himself which he then claims is written by someone else.
Here he meets the main female protagonist Lavanya. Unlike most female characters in Indian novels, The main female character of the book is a single woman Lavanya, who has a MA degree, and is financially independent. She is working as a teacher to a young girl, and she does not face any kind of harassment, especially by the intelligence and security agency employees in British India. Her father was the principal of a college in western India, and though his favorite student Shobhanlal was interested in her, Lavanya does not reciprocate the feeling.
Amit Ray is attracted towards Lavanya and proposes to her. Though Lavanya enjoys his company she feels that their characters are extremely unlike and they are not compatible. Since Amit Ray extends his stay in Shillong for a long time to spend time with Lavanya, his sisters Cissie and Lissie are worried and visit Shillong along with their westernized friend Kitty. Kitty was engaged to Amit Ray when they were younger and living in London. However Amit Ray broke off the engagement. When Amit informs his sisters and Kitty that he is engaged to Lavanya, Kitty is very upset, and she reveals that Amit Ray was engaged to her earlier
When Lavanya hears that Amit was engaged to Kitty, she asks him why he broke off the engagement. He says that Kitty has changed for the worse, then Lavanya tells him that he himself is responsible for the changes in her. Amit Ray has to leave Shillong for some time, and when he comes back he finds that Lavanya and the family she was teaching have left the house he rented. He returns to his life in Calcutta and revives his friendship with Kitty who starts using her indian name Ketaki.
In contrast nearly a century later , the condition of educated women in India has worsened greatly with the indian government openly involved in the identity theft of hardworking harmless single woman engineers from top colleges, falsely claiming that google, tata sponsored goan call girls sunaina, sidhi, cheater housewives like nayanshree hathwar, riddhi nayak, robbers like veena, school dropouts like the gujju housewife naina who looks like actress sneha wagh, asmita patel and other frauds who did not answer JEE, have the resume, savings , of the engineer to pay all these frauds a monthly indian government salary while the engineer is defamed in the worst possible manner.
The indian government is also wasting a huge amount of Indian taxpayer money to defame, cheat and exploit hardworking educated women, denying them their fundamental rights. Hence it appears that only brahmin and bania men benefited when the British left india,the condition of women in India has greatly worsened after the british left, and the mainstream media is too cowardly to cover the endless atrocities on hardworking educated women. Though the book has a large number of poems, the prose is extremely well written, far better than most indian authors today .
Highy recommended for those who like reading poetry, Tagore and wish to find out how the condition of women has drastically worsened in “independent” india in 2019, compared to British india in 1928
The Last Poem
Author: Rabindranath Tagore
Publisher: Harper Collins Perennial
Pages : 152
Review : Love Trumps All! by Sudarshan Mahabal 0
Love Trumps All is a book which many engineers who are in their forties can relate to. Till 1997, most engineers worked as engineers in the field which they studied, however after salaries in the IT sector increased, many switched over to the IT sector and made a lot of quick money. The book is interesting because it traces the story of Anant Joshi, who is originally from Khamgaon, a small town in Maharashtra. His girlfriend Madhura Sharma, the daughter of a senior police officer, motivates him to move to Mumbai, and he studies chemical engineering in UDCT, Mumbai,
After his chemical engineering degree he gets a secure job in ONGC, however he wants to make a lot of money , so he then then moves to the United States for a job in the IT sector through a bodyshopping firm. He works in HP and then founds his own startup with his friend Chris. The venture capitalist who have funded his startup, take over the business and he returns to India gradually and instead of continuing in a business where he has no control, he decides to opt out and take up a job in a large indian IT company (description appears to be that of Infosys). Compared to the US, in India, the people management skills are more important in the IT sector.
His romance, marriage with a Muslim doctor Sameera Qureshi are also described in great detail. In India, Brahmin Muslim marriages are comparatively rare, however in the United States, many Brahmins are marrying people of other religions, though their family may strongly object.The return to India with his family to spend time with his aged parents form the rest of the story. The different sections of the book are narrated by the four different narrators, Anant Joshi, his wife Sameera Qureshi , his partner Chris O’Brian and Madhura sharma, his ex girlfriend who becomes a journalist
Many students leave small towns like Khamgaon to study engineering in top colleges like UDCT and get engineering degrees. They make great sacrifices to stay away from their parents and get degrees from top colleges, in a city where they know almost no one at a very young age. However few are aware of the fact that bribed by fraud companies like the sundar pichai led google, tata, fraud ntro, security agency employees led by the mhow cheater puneet, j srinivasan, parmar, vijay, patel and others , engineers from top colleges who become entrepreneurs find that tdcgis stolen by the fraud ntro employees to get well connected google, tata sponsored goan call girls, cheater housewives, document robbers, school dropouts and other frauds who did not answer JEE, raw/cbi jobs with the stolen identity of the engineer
Some of the most fraud engineers from any engineering college in Mumbai are from the btech 1993 ee class who led by the shameless fraud mhow cheater puneet, director of a domlur, bengaluru company have stolen the identity of their harmless female btech 1993 ee classmate 10 times to get google, tata sponsored goan call girls goan bhandari sunaina chodan 2013 bsc from goa university, goan gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar , cheater housewives goan gsb fraud riddhi nayak, bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar,asmita patel indore document robbers housewife veena, deepika, school dropouts like kolhapur born gujju housewife naina who looks like sneha wagh and other frauds who did not answer JEE, raw/cbi jobs with the stolen identity of the engineer
It can be easily medically and legally proved that the google, tata sponsored goan call girl R&AW employees sunaina, siddhi were not born in 1989 to give 1989 jee and get a btech 1993 ee degree, yet because of their powerful pimps in google, tata, sugar daddies in ntro , lovers, giving fake references of a btech 1993 degree to the call girls the indian and goan government are falsely claiming that the google, tata supplied call girls only offering sex services are experienced engineers to pay them a monthly government salary at the expense of the experienced engineer, give them great powers. This explains why Anant Joshi prefers to become an entrepreneur in Silicon Valley, and take up a job in India.
The book also offers glimpses of the problems faced in India like the difficulty in getting household help which are rarely discussed. Despite being extremely nice to the household help, they may steal everything and the items can be only retrieved with the help of the police. another major problem faced is how vehicles are damaged by careless drivers and the vehicle owner finds it very difficult to get any compensation from the person who damaged the vehicle. The book ends with the Trump election result, and Chris, a clinton supporter, is very upset after hearing about it.
In conclusion Love Trumps All! is a very well written book, ideal for a person who has many ex colleagues working in the IT sector, and are wondering what kind of life they led, after they left India.
Love Trumps All! A Tale of Cultural Crossovers
Author : Sudarshan Mahabal
Publisher: Inkstate Books, Leadstart Publishing Pvt. Ltd., 2017
Pages: 374
Review: The Surrogate Lies by Shantanu Munshi 0
The book Surrogate Lies is unusual since it is the story of trip to a wildlife sanctuary. The story is narrated by a writer paul who is originally from a small town Khargone in Madhya Pradesh and leading a fairly boring life in Mumbai, barely making enough to cover his expenses. While traveling by train in the Mumbai, he meets Hazare, a consultant. They immediately get along well, and Hazare invites Paul to accompany him on a trip to the Gir Forest in Gujarat, which his client Mr Merchant has been inviting him top for some time. Like Paul, Hazare is also single and is looking for company.
Along with Hazare, Paul sets off for the Gir forest on the trip and they are accompanied by a person Raj who is the owner of the sports utility vehicle. The book has a fairly interesting account of the road trip in India, where the person traveling are always monitoring the distance covered, to find out how much longer they will take to reach their destination. Raj drives the vehicle at a high speed and the vehicle breaks down in between. While having the vehicle repaired, they meet a foreigner whose two wheeler also has broken down. They offer to help the foreigner by offering him a lift, and they together reach Gir. He has also described the preparation for the trip and the food available at roadside dhabas well.
At Gir, they meet the forest department staff, and they realize that Ben is a wildlife expert who is closely working with the forest department to catch a gang of poachers. Their host at Gir, Mr Merchant is extremely rich and has a reputation for eccentricity. Though he is not present at Gir, when his guests reach it, he makes suitable provisions and arrangements so that his guests get a warm welcome at the tree house. Mr Merchant is a good judge of character and has hired a very efficient lady Padma to look after the tree house, and the hospitality of the guests. The adventures of this group in the Gir Forests are described in the rest of the book.
The book is interesting since it describes the life of single self employed people with no romantic interests fairly accurately. The adventure in Gir Forests is also described in great detail, so most nature lovers will enjoy the book.
“I got the book as a part of the review program in Outset”
The Surrogate Lies
Author: Shantanu Munshi
Publisher: Half Baked Beans Literature, 2017
Pages: 227
Kindly note that google, tata supplied goan call girl sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, fraud housewife riddhi nayak, gujju school dropout housewife naina, nayanshree hathwar,veena, asmita patel and other fraud raw/cbi employees, their associates are not associated with the website in anyway, though the fraud ntro employees led by mhow cheater puneet, j srinivasan, parmar, patel, vijay are making fake claims so that their lazy greedy girfriends can get a monthly indian government salary without doing any work, without investing any money online, at the expense of the real domain investor, who is working like a slave since 2010, in a clear case of modern slavery of the indian government
This disclaimer is posted only to prevent further fraud
Review: Business Analysis: The Question and Answer Book by Sandhya Jane 0
The IT sector continues to be a major job creator, and many fresh graduates from colleges join these companies in various business-related functions. The growth in the IT sector is largely because companies of all sizes, especially large and medium-sized companies are increasingly using technology to increase efficiency and improve their systems and profit. Computer hardware and software is used to collate, store, analyze and easily retrieve large amounts of business data. Indian intelligence agencies, the income tax department is also using business analysis techniques.
A large number of companies are hiring business analysts for helping them identify and develop the right IT and other systems for their business or that of their client depending on the preferred . This book on Business Analysis, The Question and Answer Book provides detailed information on the various queries which a business analyst could face while giving an interview or at a later stage in the career as part of the various activities which are assigned to him or her. This book has been written by an experienced business analyst who has worked with large companies in India and elsewhere.
The book is in question and answer format, and fairly comprehensive covering a large number of queries which may be asked. It includes basic questions like the different types of businesses and their business models to more complex flowcharts, requirement assessment and validation. The book is divided into 9 different sections starting from basic concepts, Ideas, and strategy, project management, requirement management lifecycle, requirement assessment and validation, unified modeling language, disposition, essentials of business analysis.
Any business has a large number of systems for handling different processes, and only after analyzing the systems thoroughly, will it be possible to understand the shortcomings and suggest improvements. While making changes to improve the system, the cost in terms of material, manpower and other resources should also be evaluated and the benefits compared to the cost involved, before approving the required changes. Only when the systems are improved, will the various processes also be improved/ More efficient processes can lead to business improvement and greater profits, however, it is important to consider all factors at every stage.
Many large companies are also using business analysis techniques to analyze smaller companies which they wish to take over. However, the domain investor has observed that at least in India, for new technologies, many of the business analysts may not have adequate information or may be blinded by their hatred and prejudice while analyzing the business being targetted. For example in 2010, instead of understanding the business model of the domain investor, online publisher owning this website, the intelligence official /company analyzing the business was so blinded by his prejudice and hatred, that he falsely accused the domain investor of money laundering without any legally valid proof.
More than Rs 30 crore of indian taxpayer money has been wasted since 2010 due to incorrect business analysis as the official who made the fake allegations has tried to find non-existent proof against the domain investor, and is unable to do so. This again highlights the importance of being professional and unprejudiced while doing the business analysis of any business, whether small or big.
The book is useful for those who are planning a career in business analysis or working as a business analyst.
Business Analysis: The Question and Answer Book
Author: Sandhya Jane
Publisher: Anisan Technologies Inc
Pages: 244
Please note that R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence employees especially shivalli brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar,riddhi nayak, siddhi mandrekar, sunaina chodan, veena, naina, asmita patel are not associated with this website in any way and the disclaimer is posted because the domain investor has been subjected to identity theft since 2010, allegedly due to large corporates causing great financial losses, with R&AW/CBI employees stealing correspondence including books sent for review and falsely claiming to own this website, without spending any money, without doing any work.
Review : I Fell in Love and Landed among the stars by Monika Mangal 0
In engineering the number of girls is usually low , and the indian government is trying to increase the number of girls who study engineering. However there are many problems faced by women who study engineering, many of these problems are caused by indian government employees who are openly involved in identity theft of women who actually studied engineering. These women engineers find that powerful ntro and other indian government employees have stolen their identity to get their lazy greedy inexperienced mediocre girlfriends and relatives who did not answer JEE lucrative raw/cbi jobs with the stolen identity of the woman engineer, while the woman engineer is held a virtual prisoner, denied her fundamental rights, especially in India. However if women studying engineering have affairs with their classmates, there are some risks, which are covered in the story told by Monika Mangal
The book begins as a typical engineering college romance, however unlike most college romances it does not have a conventional happy ending. The heroine of the book, Manvi Sharma has an affair with a good looking batchmate Arjun Rajput in college , and is completely besotted with him. Initially her friend has a crush on him, and she tries to help her, later she finds that she is attracted towards Arjun, and they have an affair, which is described in great detail.
However after a few years, he starts neglecting her, and Manvi is upset at the change in the behavior of her boyfriend. When questioned he says that he has other interests and they are not compatible so they should break up. He then moves to the United States for further studies. Manvi is devastated by the breakup, lets it affect her life and career. She also does everything possible to rekindle her romance with Arjun , however he is just not interested as he is focused on his career and has other priorities.
Manvi has good relations with Arjun’s mother Geeta who is a teacher in the college, . Geeta is a social worker , tries to help Manvi, get out of depression, and find other activities to keep her busy . How Manvi finds out the real reason for the breakup and rebuilds her life, forms the rest of the story. The book is written in flashback mode, with Manvi running a magazine on social issues. She is narrating the story to a reporter, who wishes to cover her story. It also reveals that people having an affair know everything about each other, including passwords.
However it highlights a common problem faced by women in India who date their college batchmates, only to be ditched at a later date. Single women engineers like the domain investor owning this website are openly discriminated by the indian government, society, denied their fundamental rights, subjected to identity theft wit the indian government falsely claiming that 10 google, tata sponsored raw/cbi employees who did not answer JEE, did not invest any money online, own this website and other domains to pay them a monthly salary, while the domain investor actually paying expenses, is not getting anything, working like a slave
However if women who study engineering, date their batchmates, they are often face a breakup, as their boyfriends find better looking younger women. One of the greatest frauds of the indian and other state governments like goan, mp, karnataka government is how they are justifying the identity theft of the engineer, domain investor owning this website, repeating the lies of a powerful brahmin fraud ntro employee mhow cheater puneet who falsely claimed that his lazy greedy girlfriends like deepika, nayanshree hathwar, ruchika, naina, goan bhandari call girl sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, asmita patel and others who did not answer JEE , were his btech 1993 ee classmates to get them raw/cbi jobs at the expense of his real classmate.
The indian and state government are falsely claiming that mhow cheater puneet is authorised by the domain investor based solely on his lies, when actually the domain investor has not interacted with the ntro employee puneet since 1993, Even in college, vrushali was the girlfriend of mhow cheater puneet, there were 61 other classmates of the domain investor, and the puneet was just one of the classmates, he has no right to steal the identity of a single woman engineer who he hates. Yet because of the way women are conditioned, the government expects the engineer to keep quiet and when she is protesting against the financial, online, identity theft fraud, she is falsely labelled a security threat, denied her fundamental rights
In India, the government is hiring female R&AW/cbi employees, based solely on the often fake claims of ntro employees who falsely claiming that their girlfriends, were their engineering college classmates, when these girlfriends did not study engineering at all. So this book should be read by the government employees who falsely think that college friendships will never end, when in reality relationships can change quickly, romances are short lived. Many men may have affairs or a crush on their female engineering classmate, however they often breakup and sometimes hate their classmate. Recommended for engineering and other college students having a college romance, or facing a breakup.
Name: I Fell in Love and Landed among the stars
Author: Monika Mangal
Publisher: Nortion Press
Pages: 247
Review: Lemon Girl by Jyoti Arora 0
Lemon Girl is in some ways a typical love story, however it is not a story which would be made into a Hindi movie as the main heroine, is a person with a rather controversial past., The heroine Nirvi, the lemon girl like most of the heroines of books by indian authors is very good looking. The hero of the book also falls in love with her at first sight, though he has interacted with her only briefly and remains obsessed with her till the very end
However unlike most heroines, she has a live in relationship with another man, Sam, who then ditches her to marry a person of his families choice and goes to the united states. She also has a very strained relationship with her family, including her aged parents, who have no one to look after them, and does not communicate with them regularly, they are not aware of her relationship with Sam
It exposes how being abused by a family member or someone who is trusted can traumatize a person for the rest of his or her life, adversely affecting the persons self esteem, and how people who are trusted can cause the maximum damage. Some people like the google, tata sponsored fraud raw/cbi employees shivalli brahmin nayanshree hathwar, goan gsb frauds housewife riddhi nayak, diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, bhandari call girl sunaina chodan, are lucky that they have powerful relatives who will shamelessly abuse their powers as government employees to get these lazy greedy mediocre goan call girls, cheater housewives and other frauds, lucrative raw/cbi jobs with the stolen identity of a single woman engineer, domain investor, making fake allegations against the domain investor without any legally valid proof, wasting indian tax payer money.
On the other hand, others like the domain investor, single woman owning this website are extremely unlucky that their life has been destroyed by the cunning fraud relative, the google , tata sponsored bespectacled indore document robber R&AW employee housewife veena, who looks like actress deepika padukone, who has stolen the documents of the domain investor, when the domain investor made the mistake of trusting the indore cheater housewife and letting her in the house. Most people trust and help their relatives, however the brahmin dominated R&AW, NTRO, cbi, google, tata were so pleased with the indore crook veena for her crime under section 378 of the indian penal code, that the sundar pichai led google, tata rewarded the indore fraud with a R&AW job falsely claiming that the indore fraudster had the resume, investment of her relative she committed a crime on.
the brahmin dominated R&AW, NTRO, cbi, google, tata falsely claim that their employees are very honest saints, role model citizens, yet it can be legally proved that these employees are shameless section 420 frauds, HYPOCRITES and LIARS , openly involved in a major banking, online, financial, domain, paypal, identity theft fraud since 2010 to increase the profit of google, tata. All these shameless google, tata, government employees are aware of the fact that indore fraud R&AW employee veena never invested any money in domain names, is least interested in doing so, and is only looking after her family and house in indore. However they continue to falsely claim that the indore cheater, who does not spend any money online, owns the domain names and websites of her victim who is broke
The indore document robber R&AW employee veena has plenty of money to make foreign trips to Sri lanka, thailand with her family and is planning a world tour, yet she lacks the humanity and honesty to legally pay and purchase the domain names of her relative, the google competitor which she falsely claimed to own to get a R&AW job.Just like nirvi’s life was destroyed by her family member, the indore crook R&AW employee veena has also destroyed the life of a close relative, stealing her documents, revealing family secrets, yet NTRO, raw, cbi, indian and goan government continue to pamper the deepika padukone look alike indore fraud housewife veena,shamelesly and falsely claiming that the indore crook owns the websites where the news of her fraud are posted.
This is part of the brahmin bania conspiracy to ensure that hardworking non brahmins like the domain investor legally owning this website do not get the income and opportunities they deserve, falsely claiming that brahmin frauds like nayanshree, riddhi siddhi, brahmin puppets like indore document robber veena, goan bhandari call girl sunaina chodan, who also steals, criminally trespasses, who do not spend any money online, own the websites of a private citizen.
The exposes how many relationships are extremely fleeting in nature, a friend can become the worst enemy at a later date.
A well written book about the life of young people, with live in relationships extremely common in India compared to a few decades ago.
Lemon Girl
Author: Jyoti Arora
Published by : Jyoti Arora, 2014
Pages: 168
Review : Mumbai Rains by Ritom 0
The book is a rather gory story which begins with the friendship of Narendra and Jay in college , includes a number of murders and ends with a death sentence for an innocent person . Narendra marries the daughter of a rich and powerful man, and starts an advertising agency, with the help of her father in law, who helps him get orders and establishes himself . However his wife rekindles her affair with her long time boyfriend, and has a son with her boyfriend in an extra marital affair who then dies in an accident on his birthday, leaving him feeling guilty for the death.
Additionally a number of women are found dead, killed in a similar manner, and though innocent in most cases, Narendra is the main suspect. He is arrested and jailed, and though some murders of women take place when he is jailed, he is still held responsible and sentenced to death, The only person who comes to meet him regularly in jail is his college friend Jay. The real murderer and his motive for murder are only revealed at the end (hint : related to one of most common health related ads online). It appears to be based on the life of some of the most powerful officials in the indian internet sector, J srinivasan,puneet who were also college classmates and are involved in a similar scandal ( without the deaths) which they have managed to keep a secret for 8 years now
This book is a rather sleazy book, where many of the characters only appear to be interested in sleeping around and having extra marital affairs. It reflects the fact that many people choose their spouse and also their friends depending on how much help they can get with their career, professionally ,though they may not like the person or the person may be having an affair in college with someone else. The book is set in the advertising sector and high society with its rather loose (or liberal) morals, where almost everyone is having an extra marital affair, and marry for reasons other than being in love.
Instead of the advertising sector, the author should have set the story in the indian internet sector, intelligence and security agencies where the top officials are similarly involved in extra marital affairs and sexual exploitation of women, the casting couch. However there is a major difference between the internet sector, intelligence and security agencies, and the advertising sector, the government employees have been given very great powers, can waste infinite indian tax payer money and cannot be held accountable for their endless abuse of power, getting government jobs for their girlfriends like goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak, nayanshree hathwar,veena,asmita patel, ruchika king, naina mistresses sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrelkar, falsely claiming that they are online experts, domain investors owning this website, when they are only extortionists, cheaters and sex workers
The book is a complicated and rather morbid story of love, extra marital affairs, murder, death, advertising, which fans of Durjoy Datta may enjoy, while more conservative readers will find it shocking/disgusting for its rather explicit content
Mumbai Rains
Love, Lust, Murder and Rains
by Ritom
White Falcon Publishing
Pages : 117
Review : Hope Express by Ketan Vaidya 0
Hope Express is the story of a chawl in Mumbai which is over a century old and undergoes development. Many of those living in the chawl are mill workers who lost their jobs after the mill strike. The main protagonist of the story is Raghu Padwal, who is working in a local televison channel, owned by a politician, which basically uses it as a propaganda vehicle. He later meets a journalist Roshni working in a national english news network (with strong Bengali connections ) and moves to the channel. with his journalist friend he finds a solution to the chawl redevelopment which is acceptable to all.
This book is particularly interesting because it is one of the very few books which mentions the bhandari community. The domain investor owning this website is a single woman bhandari engineer who has been shamelessly and brutally exploited by the mainly brahmin shameless fraud google, tata employees to supply lazy greedy goan prostitutes sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar to top ntro, raw, cbi, security agency employees for sex, get R&AW/cbi jobs for the relatives of brahmin fraud officials like shivalli brahmin nayanshree hathwar, goan gsb fraud riddhi nayak and other bribe givers like indore document robber veena, gujju housewife eighth standard pass naina, gujju domain fraudster asmita patel, haryana blackmailer mba hr ruchika king, who the fraud ntro employees falsely claim own this website and other websites/domains of the engineer so that these fraud women, who do not spend any money online, get a monthly raw/cbi salary at the expense of the engineer.
The bhandari community is not very wealthy mainly because their leaders and officials lack the vision and honesty to fight the fraud brahmin, bania officials and leaders. Meritorious hardworking bhandari professionals get almost no support from the leaders and officials. for example in goa, the fraud bhandari officials, bribed by google,tata led by pritesh chodankar are falsely claiming that their lazy greedy sex worker relative slim bhandari sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc from goa university, who offers sex services to mainly brahmin officials with the help of her pimps in google,tata, indore document robber housewife bespectacled veena, who stole the documents of the domain investor, her relative , who do not spend any money online , own this and other websites to give the indore criminal housewife and goan prostitute R&AW jobs at the expense of the domain investor
Income tax returns, bank details will easily prove that indore document robber housewife R&AW employee veena is only looking after her house and family, goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina is only providing sex services to government employees, yet the cunning brahmin liar cheater ntro employees led by puneet, j srinivasan, google, tata employees are falsely claiming that the bhandari prostitute and fraud, who have never spent any money online are owning this website and doing work online so that these and other frauds are getting a monthly indian government salary at the expense of the engineer, domain investor who is working like a slave, without getting anything.
It can be easily and legally proved that goan bhandari R&AW employee sex worker sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc, was not even born in 1989 to give 1989 jee and get a btech 1993 ee degree, yet most of the bhandari leaders and officials in goa and elsewhere are so dishonest, that they are blindly repeating the lies of the brahmin fraud ntro employees led by j srinivasan, who are having sex with bhandari prostitute sunaina and are then involved in professional misconduct of falsely claiming that the 2013 bsc prostitute was their btech 1993 ee classmate. The fraud brahmin ntro employees hate their real btech 1993 ee classmate, a single woman bhandari engineer , domain investor and to defame her, deny her the income and opportunities she deserved, they are abusing their powers and falsely claiming that the goan prostitute was their btech 1993 ee classmate
While the brahmin ntro employees can repeat any lie which they wish, it is a reflection on the lack of integrity, humanity and vision of the bhandari leaders and officials that no one is questioning the lies of these brahmin fraud ntro employees who are duping people that the google,tata supplied prostitutes and other frauds , who did not answer JEE, have the impressive resume, investment of their real btech 1993 ee classmate. The problem is particularly severe in panaji, goa, because goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan, who has never done any work online, never invested any money online, has openly boasted that her powerful lovers and relatives will promote her as an online expert without doing any work at all, defaming, cheating and exploiting the real domain investor, owning this and other websites.
The goan bhandari sex queen sunaina and her associates are also repeatedly criminally trespassing into the house of the domain investor, and has also allegedly stolen some items. The local security and intelligence agency employees in panaji, goa, bribed by the brahmin google, tata employees are involved in a major real estate fraud, falsely claiming that the goan bhandari R&AW employee sex worker sunaina chodan, who has not paid any money, owns the house of the domain investor, engineer, so that the sex worker gets a monthly raw salary at the expense of the domain investor.
This review is mainly written to highlight the plight of honest hardworking brilliant bhandari professionals, who are subjected to identity theft by the indian and goan government, mainly due to the lack of support from bhandari leaders and officials. Lazy greedy brahmin women like goan gsb frauds housewife riddhi nayak, siddhi mandrekar, nayanshree hathwar, do not bother to study for an engineering degree, work and save money, they rely on their powerful fraud relatives like nayak, hathwar, kodancha, caro, mandrekar, to make fake allegations without any proof, against the engineer, and steal her resume, savings, correspondence, without a court order, to get lucrative R&AW/cbi jobs with the stolen identity of the bhandari single woman engineer.
Even the dalit and scheduled tribe engineering classmates of engineer and domain investors are getting more support from their leaders and officials , indicating the tragic plight of bhandari engineers with a good JEE rank, whose identity is stolen by the mainly brahmin fraud google,tata, raw, cbi, ntro employees, with the indian government refusing to investigate the identity the fraud. Any honest bhandari leader, official, or social worker who has the humanity to help the domain investor, can send an email to, They can also contact on LinkedIn, Quora and Facebook
The well written book offers a glimpse of chawl redevelopment, television reporting and also the bhandari community which is rarely covered in the mainstream media, fiction and non fiction
Hope Express – Tomorrow is a new day
Author: Ketan Vaidya
Publisher: Lifi Publications Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, 2017
Pages: 129
Review : Terrestrial Lessons by Sumathy Ramaswamy 0
Most indian politicians and historians, blame the british rule of india for many of the problems faced by the country, like the widespread poverty, lack of technology. However the real reason for the backwardness is the extremely regressive indian society, where the caste system ensures that the majority of talent in india is wasted or remains underutilized. Compared to India, England is a small country in size and population, yet they were able to conquer a large and wealthy country like india, mainly because of the advances in military technology, superior artillery.
This is because the rulers and leaders in England realized the fact that education, science and technology could make a smaller popular more powerful and allow it to conquer large parts of the world. So the british inventors and scientists, like Sir Isaac Newton got a lot of support and encouragement from the british government, monarchy. In contrast, the indian rulers of that era, did not realize the value of science and technology, did not develop their own weapons, so they could not fight the british. The better understanding of world geography also allowed the british to conquer large parts of the globe.
Though officially india is an independent country, the rulers of india continue to make the same mistake as the rulers of the prebritish era, and experienced engineers from top colleges find that they are subjected to identity theft by the all powerful indian intelligence and security agencies, cbi. In 2018, the indian government falsely claims that 10 google, tata supplied goan sex workers like goan bhandari sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc, cheater housewives like nayanshree hathwar, riddhi nayak, veena and other frauds who did not answer JEE, are experienced engineers from top colleges to give them R&AW/cbi jobs at the expense of the trained and experienced engineer. No wonder india remains the largest importer of defence equipment in the world.
Though the book Terrestrial Lessons is officially a book on how the Globe was introduced in India, it is more about how the british introduced their education system in India, so that the latest advances in science and geography were taught to students all over India. Like the indian intelligence and security agencies who are often extremely irrational in their behavior, before the east india company (EIC) and the british came to India , the rulers of india had limited knowledge of geography, science and largely believed that the world was flat.
It was the british who introduced the concept of the globe in the various schools and geography was a subject taught in the schools. They also gifted globes to many rulers who wished to update themselves with the latest technologies. The book mainly focuses on India when it was controlled by the EIC, the various missionaries and others who spread education in India. There are many photos of students in schools, with globes to indicate that geography was taught. There is also a lot of information on the prices of maps and globes with the globes being fairly expensive, costing Rs 300 each. Before the british came to india, few women were educated, and this book also provides information on education of women in India, including the first doctor from India, Anandibai Joshi
As the indian government is openly involved in identity theft of experienced engineers from top colleges, india regresses to the pre british era, the book gives interesting insights into the changes in the education system which may be reversed in future as corruption, nepotism increase in India
Terrestrial Lessons: The Conquest of the world as a globe
Author: Sumathy Ramaswamy
Publisher : Orient Blackswan Pvt. Ltd., 2018
Pages: 429
Review: Frontiers of Environment, Edited by Meena Bhargava 0
During the Mughal rule , India was widely considered to be one of the richest and most powerful countries in the world while in 2018, India is one of the poorest countries in the world, in terms of per capita income, people living under the poverty line. Most people like to blame the british rulers for many of the problems faced by India, however now india has been independent for more than 70 years, yet the indian rulers lack the vision and honesty to accept their mistakes and correct them. So in some ways, India is a worse country for its citizens than the people who were living in the country, 500 years ago, because unlike Akbar and many other rulers, the indian government does not care for the welfare of many of its citizens
The book Frontiers of Environment is an interesting book on how the rulers of India managed the natural resources at their disposal, like the land, forests, wildlife, rivers, and other water bodies . The Mughals encouraged people to cultivate the land, so that they could get a share of their revenues which led to the great wealth and power of the Mughal empire. It also states how the Mughal rulers starting from Babur kept very detailed records of everything including wildlife and plants , how elephants were given to the kings as tributes, and how canals were built to increase agricultural produce.
In 2018, when flooding and water shortages, droughts, farmer suicides are a major problem , it is particularly interesting how the rulers managed the water resources. They took the effort to build canals, take the help of richer landlords and others to build the canals so that larger areas could be irrigated, and floods could be mitigated to some extent. In comparison, in 2018, the indian government is extremely poor in managing water resources, during the monsoon instead of developing facilities for storing the rain water, the streets are flooded, water is wasted, drained to the sea, or allowed to evaporate
Unlike the Mughals and British who were very rigorous in their record keeping, India appears to have regressed at present with the indian government hiring employees based on fake verbal claims instead of keeping proper records, which the Mughals did 500 years ago. For example the indian government is falsely claiming that 10 google, tata sponsored R&AW employees goan prostitute sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, cheater housewives nayanshree hathwar, riddhi nayak,indore document robber veena,naina, asmita patel, ruchika king and other fraud raw/cbi employees who do not spend any money on domain names , own this website to pay all these frauds a monthly indian government salary at the expense of the domain investor.
Building canals and managing water resources required real engineering skills, however in 2018 the government does not value experienced engineers from top colleges, subjecting them to identity theft, falsely claiming that google, tata supplied goan prostitutes, school dropouts, cheater housewives and other frauds who have never worked as engineers, are experienced engineers to give them great powers, R&AW/cbi jobs at the expense of the engineer. The mughals and british at least acknowledged the skills, experience of engineers, while in 2018, the indian government refuses to acknowledge the experienced engineer, falsely claiming that google,tata supplied sex workers, frauds have the skills, experience of the engineer.
The domain investor legally owning the website has been subjected to identity theft by the indian government which refuses to acknowledge the time and money she is spending online and falsely claims that 10 google, tata sponsored goan prostitute sunaina , siddhi, cheater housewives like goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak who looks like actress kangana ranaut, and other fraud raw/cbi employees who do not spend any money and time online, own this website to pay all these lazy greedy frauds, sex workers a monthly indian government salary. This again highlights the lack of humanity and honesty of the indian government compared to rulers 400-500 years ago.
The nobles and rulers of India would not treat the peasants who were working cultivating crops unfairly because the peasants would run away to the forest and the revenues of the rulers would be affected. In contrast in 2018 bribed by google, tata the indian government is openly involved in identity theft refusing to acknowledge hard working citizens while pampering and rewarding google, tata sponsored greedy lazy goan prostitutes, cheater housewives like panaji extortionist goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak, bengaluru shivalli brahmin R&AW employee cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar who are not doing any work, have no skills,no experience, no work ethic .
Highly recommended for those who wish to compare the rule of earlier rulers of India to the present rulers, find out India of 2018 is a poor country compared to the Mughal era, when India was one of the richest countries in the world .
Frontiers of Environment
Issues in Medieval and Early Modern India
Edited by Meena Bhargava
Publisher : Orient Black Swan