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Review: Flight of the Flamingo 0
In India, older women who are not married like the reviewer often face a lot of harassment of government agencies and others, they are often denied their fundamental rights, subjected to human rights abuses. yet many women who are married, find that their husband is having an affair with someone else, though initially these women were very happy with their marriage. Additionally the husband may subject them to physical and mental abuse, destroying their life, appearance and career
The book is story of a single mother Preeta Dhingra, who is the editor at a publishing house Pradhan Publishers. She lives with her daughter Mitali, who has a speech defect, and her aged mother, a retired school teacher. The owner of Pradhan Publishers, Ashish Pradhan is only interested in publishing books which are best sellers. Rimpy Bajaj the socialite wife of a wealthy industrialist is one of the best selling authors at Pradhan Publishers, though her sleazy books based on the personal life of people she knows are not something which Preeta Dhingra approves of.
Preeta Dhingra receives a manuscript for a book Dangerous from Sonia Vaswani, the head of Exco bank regarding the tragic story of women who have been betrayed by their husband/male partners. Most of these women are high profile, celebrities who get coverage in the mainstream media. Though they seem to lead a perfect life, many of them are having abusive relationships or have husbands having extra marital affairs. Sonia Krishnamurthy is a south indian who is married to Ranjan Vaswani, who she met in a top management college. After more than a decade of marriage, she finds that her husband is having an extramarital affair, she is furious, so she gets a divorce and separates.
Rimpy Bajaj also appears to have a perfect marriage, yet her husband is extremely abusive, and is always having affairs with other women, though he keeps denying them. This makes Rimpy upset, and she is always consuming too much alcohol. Finally she decides to divorce her husband and she wants her next book to be published at the time of divorce to maximize sales. There are stories of other women who are also betrayed by their husbands, and this destroys their life, confidence and looks completely.
Though Ashish Pradhan approves of publishing Rimpy’s sleazy book, he refuses to publish Dangerous, since it has sad stories, and he is also afraid that he will face defamation cases from the high profile men who are featured in the book. So Preeta Dhingra decides to self publish the book and is asked to resign by Pradhan, after which she goes to delhi for a break. When she returns, conditions have changed and this forms the rest of the book.
Kindly note that raw/cbi/government employees and their associates like greedy goan bhandari scammers slim sunaina,pooja, tejas chodan, siddhi mandrekar,greedy goan gsb housewife EXTORTIONIST robber riddhi nayak caro, kolhapur/panaji sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani who looks like actress sneha wagh, her scammer sons karan, nikhil, bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree,indore robber housewife bespectacled deepika/veena, haryana scammer mba hr ruchika kinge, stock trader amita patel are not associated with the blog in any way, since they do not spend any time reading, writing, refuse to pay the domain renewal fees, yet make fake claims after stealing data, in a financial fraud, cybercrime, government SLAVERY beating Anthony Levandowski’s data theft from Google to get very good government salaries at the expense of the real domain investor, reviewer who is making great financial losses because of the online, financial fraud, correspondence theft
An interesting book for those who want to know more about english book publishing in india, and how abusive relationships can destroy the life, career, and appearance of a woman. Increasingly powerful government employees are faking their relationship with older single women they hate to cheat, exploit and rob everything from them,so this book is useful for women who are exploited and betrayed by men faking help, relationships
Flight of the Flamingo
Author: Sonia Mall
Publisher: Westland Ltd , 2013
How to develop a Super Memory 0
The academic performance of a student depends to a large extent on his or her memory, students with an excellent memory will do well. However, the mainstream media refuses to carry the news of the identity theft racket on professionals with a good academic record, especially good JEE rank like the domain investor.
In India, the identity theft racket is very systematic, first the memory of the professional is illegally ROBBED without a legally valid reason by making fake allegations without any proof at all by high status well connected cybercriminals like anish acharya, j srinivasan. Then the stolen memory is transferred to the associate of the MEMORY ROBBER like goan bhandari sunaina chodan, goan gsb fraud housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, nayanshree, stock trader amita patel, architect kalpana nayak in a resume theft, impersonation fraud to get a lucrative government job. Then the memory robbers are erasing the memory of the professsional whose resume they have stolen causing financial losses. This memory erasure has affected others also, the mainstream media carried the report of how the memory of US, canadian diplomats was also affected resulting in premature retirement.
One of the reasons the resume theft racket on the domain investor continued for 12 years, and she could not end it, was because the memory and brain cells of the domain investor were systematically destroyed for at least 7-8 years since 2010 as part of the identity theft racket. The government employees or others are being paid to use radiation weapons to target specific citizens, by their enemies who are sometimes their relatives.
This intentional damage to brain cells, causes great losses to the citizen, makes it easier for robbers to steal anything from the person being tortured. So this book is interesting because it explains the memory mechanism, how memory is developed, the brain quality and neurons. It also provides information on Short term memory and long term memory, how information is transferred from short term to long term memory. The author claims that the memory storage capacity of the brain is infinite.
Another interesting aspect is how a person can be made to recall incidents which he has forgotten using hypnosis indicating that they are stored in the brain.
Most of the book focuses on the various techniques used to improve memory, the effectiveness of these techniques, how association can be used to make it easier to remember people and faces. It also has information on memory loss in senior citizens, the slight decline in the number of neurons and slower rate of production of neurons
Kindly note that raw/cbi/government employees and their associates like greedy goan bhandari scammer slim sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, goan gsb housewife EXTORTIONIST robber riddhi nayak caro, kolhapur/panaji sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani who looks like actress sneha wagh, her scammer sons karan, nikhil, bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree,indore robber housewife bespectacled deepika/veena, haryana scammer mba hr ruchika kinge, stock trader amita patel are not associated with the blog in any way, since they do not spend any time reading, writing, refuse to pay the domain renewal fees, yet make fake claims after stealing data, in a financial fraud, cybercrime, government SLAVERY beating Anthony Levandowski’s data theft from Google to get very good government salaries at the expense of the real domain investor, reviewer who is making great financial losses because of the online, financial fraud, correspondence theft
A good book for those who wish to improve their memory, or find that they are becoming forgetful
How to develop a Super Memory
Author: Anant Pai
UBS Publishers Distributors, 1992
Pages: 93
Review: Bikes, Beers and a babe 0
Since bhandari/obc leaders, officials in india allegedly led by goan bhandari cheater chodankar, naik along with the rich and powerful are extremely ruthless in destroying the life of bhandari professionals, investors, the reviewer does not interact with many people, due to the fear of fake cases. So reading books is a good way to understand the life of others, since most people write on the subjects they are familiar with. Due to government slavery, financial fraud in the indian internet sector on the domain investor since 2010, the domain investor/reviewer can only afford to purchase the cheapest books available in the local bookstores for review
This book is about the life of a college student from Kolkatta Abeer, from a rich and well settled business family . He has an affair with his classmate in college Yasha. Later Yasha’s cousin Priyanka from Jamshedpur joins the college, and she also has a crush on Abeer, and woos him. When Priyanka shares details of her friendship with Yasha, Yasha is very upset and ends the affair immediately, returning everything that Abeer gives her.
This adversely affects Abeer, who loses interest in everything. To overcome this problem, his parents send him to Mumbai to spend time with his cousin Vivek. Vivek shows him around Mumbai, they explore the city on his bike, drinking beers and other drinks. They are also involved in motorcycle racing. At one event he sees a very beautiful girl Renu, who is the boyfriend of Digvijay , the winner of motorcycle races and is attracted to her.
While Renu is willing to spend time with Abeer, she does not want any emotional attachment. However, Abeer falls in love with her, and proposes to her. She becomes very upset and disappears. Later she appears at the college convocation, flirting with some other students. Though Abeer approaches her, she is not interested. This shows the irony of the affairs of Abeer, his first girlfriend wanted complete loyalty and the next girlfriend did not want any kind of attachment.
This book also provides interesting information about life in Mumbai, that police collect more hafta from bars, restaurants which remain open at night because they do more business.
Kindly note that raw/cbi/government employees and their associates like greedy goan bhandari scammer slim sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, goan gsb housewife EXTORTIONIST robber riddhi nayak caro, kolhapur/panaji sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani who looks like actress sneha wagh, her scammer sons karan, nikhil, bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree,indore robber housewife bespectacled deepika/veena, haryana scammer mba hr ruchika kinge, stock trader amita patel are not associated with the blog in any way, since they do not spend any time reading, writing, refuse to pay the domain renewal fees, yet make fake claims after stealing data, in a financial fraud, cybercrime, government SLAVERY beating Anthony Levandowski’s data theft from Google to get very good government salaries at the expense of the real domain investor, reviewer who is making great financial losses because of the online, financial fraud, correspondence theft
A good book for those who are interested in knowing about the life of college students, yet do not know any student directly
Bikes, Beers and a babe
Author: Junaid A Tagala
Publisher : Diamond Books , 2013
Pages: 183
Review : Getting along better with people 0
The personal and professional life of an individual depends to a large extent on the relationships with people. With advances in technology, many people like the reviewer are mainly working at home, and do not interact with many people personally or for professional reasons,though government agencies, internet companies are making up fake team stories using cybercrime,stolen data.
This book was first published in 1973, when people were mainly working in offices and factories. So this book has many guidelines for getting along with people in office, in companies with a large number of employees. There has been a drastic change in the work culture in companies in india, the domain investor also worked in factories and offices for nearly a decade. In the last decade, the indian internet and tech companies are openly involved in cybercrime, educational and financial fraud , with small business owners like the reviewer worst affected, resulting in government slavery
However some of the statements are very true, for example Small grievances become big grievances when men don’t get a chance to express their opinion. This is very true in the indian internet sector, where the government agencies are openly in financial, domain ownership fraud, government slavery, falsely claiming that this and other websites in the network,which legally belong to the reviewer, private citizen alone, are owned by lazy greedy well connected government employees who do not pay any money for domains, and do not do any computer work , to pay all the domain fraudsters a monthly government salary. Though the financial fraud can be legally proved, the government agencies are always trying to justify the financial fraud, due to which it has become world famous.
If the government and indian tech, internet sector had the grace, humanity, honesty and integrity to acknowledge the domain investor, purchase domains legally from the reviewer, a single woman engineer when the fraud started in 2010, or even a few years later the domain investor would not have complained and the matter would be resolved. Instead the indian tech and internet companies, making millions of dollars in profit, refuse to purchase any domain, do not allow the reviewer to sell any domain making up fake stories of domain ownership and also dupe countries, companies and people, that the domains of a private citizen belong to the well paid fraud greedy government employees like greedy goan gsb housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, greedy gujju stock trader amita patel who refuse to purchase any domains legally, yet make fake claims. This obvious domain ownership fraud has become world famous
The book has a unique design, with each page having a separate tip, for a total of 128 tips along with an illustration
Kindly note that raw/cbi/government employees and their associates like greedy goan bhandari scammer slim sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, goan gsb housewife EXTORTIONIST robber riddhi nayak caro, kolhapur/panaji sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani who looks like actress sneha wagh, her scammer sons karan, nikhil, bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree,indore robber housewife bespectacled deepika/veena, haryana scammer mba hr ruchika kinge, stock trader amita patel are not associated with the blog in any way, since they do not spend any time reading, writing, refuse to pay the domain renewal fees, yet make fake claims after stealing data, in a financial fraud, cybercrime, government SLAVERY beating Anthony Levandowski’s data theft from Google to get very good government salaries at the expense of the real domain investor, reviewer who is making great financial losses because of the online, financial fraud, correspondence theft
A good book for those who are employees working in an office or factory where they interact with people, or manage people
Getting along better with people
Author: M.K.Rustomji
Illustrated by: Roma Chakravarty
Publisher IBH Publishing company, 1973
Pages: 134
Review: The Adversary 0
When taking revenge becomes the aim of a person’s life it has dangerous consequences especially if the adversary is a very powerful and dangerous person. The book “The Adversary” is the story of a Brazilian journalist Jose Carlos whose life is perfect till his girlfriend Natalia is killed in a brawl in a club. Seeking revenge on the young men who have killed his girlfriend Jose Carlos also called Zeca, searches for the services of a notorious contract killer Caisimir.Though he was adopted, Caisimir is a ruthless contract killer who is considered responsible for a large number of deaths in the city,.
Instead of revenge, Zeca finds that he himself is being stalked and his associates also find themselves in danger. His ex-girlfriend Nicole, living in United States visits him, and she accompanies him in his attempt to escape the assassin is forced to switch between hotels and a house he has invested in However, ultimately she is also killed. Part of the story is told in flashback mode, specifically the life of Zeca, and the assassin Caisimir. What happens next forms the rest of the story.
This is a rather morbid book, full of deaths,murders, gore. It also has a lot of spiritual and supernatural aspects like rebirth, ghosts, devils, beast. It is set in Rio de Janeiro,Brasil in the 1980’s, one of the few English fiction books available,which describes Brazilian life in great detail
The author Mauricio Limeira is Brazilian civil servant, who was born in Rio de Janeiro. The reviewer was earlier based in Goa, which has close ties with Brazil, since both were ruled by the Portuguese, and many people have spent some time in Brazil
Kindly note that raw/cbi/government employees and their associates like greedy goan bhandari scammer slim sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, goan gsb housewife EXTORTIONIST robber riddhi nayak caro, kolhapur/panaji sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani who looks like actress sneha wagh, her scammer sons karan, nikhil, bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree,indore robber housewife bespectacled deepika/veena, haryana scammer mba hr ruchika kinge, stock trader amita patel are not associated with the blog in any way, since they do not spend any time reading, writing, refuse to pay the domain renewal fees, yet make fake claims after stealing data, in a financial fraud, cybercrime, government SLAVERY beating Anthony Levandowski’s data theft from Google to get very good government salaries at the expense of the real domain investor, reviewer who is making great financial losses because of the online, financial fraud, correspondence theft
Often when people loose something they cherish, they are very upset, and want to take revenge, they rarely consider the consequences carefully. Yet they often find that their enemy is far more powerful than what they imagined and their own life is destroyed in the process. Recommended for those who are taking revenge or planning to on those who destroyed their life, and those who wish to understand Brazil better.
The Adversary
Author: Mauricio Limeira
English version: Fabiola Lowenthal
Published in 2017
Pages: 285
The reviewer received an author review copy
Review: 13 steps to bloody good luck 0
Though many rich people claim that hard work is the secret of their success, in reality luck plays a large part in the financial succcess. For example though the reviewer alone is paying all the website expenses for this and other websites, doing most of the work, the indian and state governments in 5 states are falsely claiming that this and other websites in the network, bank account belong to well connected lazy greedy high status housewives, scammer students, goan call girls goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, greedy gujju stock trader amita patel featured in moneycontrol, hindu business line, haryana scammer mba hr ruchita kinge featured in peoplematters, sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani, her scammer sons karan, nikhil and other frauds who do not do any computer work, do not invest money in domains to pay them monthly government salaries at the expense of the reviewer, domain investor.
Even the most powerful IAS/IPS officials in india have to do work to get a salary, only in the indian internet sector, top companies allegedly google, tata have devised a lucrative CYBERCRIME, FINANCIAL FRAUD, bribery racket so that the friends and relatives of top government officials get monthly government salaries only for making fake claims of online income, domain investment without doing any computer work, without investing any money in domains.
These domain fraudster government employees are extremely lucky that their friends and relatives are able to manipulate, take advantage of the loopholes in indian government system to get them monthly government salaries without doing any kind of work, only for making fake claims
Though the reviewer is complaining bitterly, these domain fraudster government employees are also extremely lucky that the government continues to ignore all the complaints of the real domain investor, and continues to waste taxpayer money paying all the domain fraudsters a monthly government salary
In this book, the author who comes from a business background explains some of the main factors why some people are lucky, while others are not. One of the factors he correctly mentions is that those who have a large social and professional network are more likely to be lucky, they are more likely to be informed of opportunities or find someone who can help them. The reviewer is from one of the poorest and most powerless communities in india, the bhandari community of karwar/kumta anmd has been a victim of identity theft since 2010. One of the main steps taken to ensure that the identity theft was not exposed, is that the domain investor is isolated completely, especially in goa, where almost all her correspondence was diverted to the relatives of top officials, robbers riddhi siddhi, sunaina, who ran an extortion racket. So in goa the domain investor knew very few people, making it very easy to cheat, exploit and rob her.
Having access to information also plays a role in success, so the rich and powerful are extremely ruthless in stealing information from the powerless like the reviewer, using a variety of techniques like computer hacking, brain wave reading, using the fake excuse of national security while the powerless who are victims of cybercrime, are also systematically denied information to cause further losses, cheat, exploit them further
The author has mentioned a large number of anectodes in the book to reinforce the other factors which make people lucky like acting on your intuition, cultivating relationships and keeping an open mind.
Kindly note that raw/cbi/government employees and their associates like greedy goan bhandari scammer slim sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, goan gsb housewife EXTORTIONIST robber riddhi nayak caro, kolhapur/panaji sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani who looks like actress sneha wagh, her scammer sons karan, nikhil, bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree,indore robber housewife bespectacled deepika/veena, haryana scammer mba hr ruchika kinge, stock trader amita patel are not associated with the blog in any way, since they do not spend any time reading, writing, refuse to pay the domain renewal fees, yet make fake claims after stealing data, in a financial fraud, cybercrime, government SLAVERY beating Anthony Levandowski’s data theft from Google to get very good government salaries at the expense of the real domain investor, reviewer who is making great financial losses because of the online, financial fraud, correspondence theft
A good book to understand how people in india are lucky, especially best selling authors
13 steps to bloody good luck
Author : Ashwin Sanghi
Publisher: Westland Ltd, 2014
Pages: 148
Review: India’s legal system: Can it be saved 0
One of the trends which the mainstream media does not cover, is how the government agencies have made criminal defamation of hardworking skilled, experienced professionals, especially from poor communities very lucrative, rewarding those who defame and their associates with government jobs falsely claiming that the liars have the impressive resume, savings, skills of the person they defame.
This shows that the government is gradually forgetting the principles of British common law, based on justice, equity and good conscience and reverting to hindu law . The book on India’s legal system is interesting, it exposes how the british law is more fair to citizens. One of the most famous cases, which went to the Privy Council during british rule is how it was decided that a murderer does not have the right to his victims estate, he will not be considered for inheritance since it violates the principle of justice.
In contrast the government agencies are encouraging citizens to defame hardworking skilled experienced professonals like the domain inmvestor, rewarding all those who criminally defame with government jobs, falsely claiming that the defamers, have the impressive resume, savings of the person they defame, whose reputation they destroy.
In all communities, the officials, leaders are supporting professionals, especially engineers with good JEE rank. Only in the bhandari community, top officials like goan bhandari pritesh chodankar, naik are extremely vicious in criminally defaming engineers with a good JEE rank like the goa 1989 jee topper,to destroy her reputation. For doing so, the government has rewarded cheater chodankar, getting government jobs for four of his lazy fraud cheater relatives, for faking computer work, domain investment
Similarly the sindhi scammers school dropout naina premchandani, her scammer sons karan,nikhil were also rewarded with government jobs for criminal defamation. Greedy goan gsb housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, siddhi mandrekar were some of the other frauds who are getting monthly government salaries for criminally defaming, destroying the reputation of the hardworking single woman engineer
The book also highlights the other aspects of the legal system, and the government is general, that the rich and powerful are able to manipulate the legal and other systems to get a favorable verdict, bribing witnesses .
Kindly note that raw/cbi/government employees and their associates like greedy goan bhandari scammer slim sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, goan gsb housewife EXTORTIONIST robber riddhi nayak caro, kolhapur/panaji sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani who looks like actress sneha wagh, her scammer sons karan, nikhil, bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree,indore robber housewife bespectacled deepika/veena, haryana scammer mba hr ruchika kinge, stock trader amita patel are not associated with the blog in any way, since they do not spend any time reading, writing, refuse to pay the domain renewal fees, yet make fake claims after stealing data, in a financial fraud, cybercrime, government SLAVERY beating Anthony Levandowski’s data theft from Google to get very good government salaries at the expense of the real domain investor, reviewer who is making great financial losses because of the online, financial fraud, correspondence theft
This book is worth reading to understand the evolution of the indian legal system, which is currently applicable
India’s legal system: Can it be saved
Author: Fali S Nariman
Publisher : Penguin Books, India, 2006
Pages: 173
Review : We’ll meet again, Serendipity, Fate & Karma 0
When young people meet many people they like, in some cases they also get married. However, after a few years, the marriage crumbles, the husband and wife do not get along well. They try to revive their old friendships, yet they find that their friends have moved on
We’ll meet again is the story of a good looking indian architect Devansh Barua, who is extremely focused on his career when young.He gets many opportunities, and he tries to make the best of them, networking with people who matter. During a conference in Egypt, he meets a beautiful woman from Sweden Natasha. She requests him to take a break from the conference and accompany him to Alexandria, where enjoy sight seeing together.
Later Devansh returns to India, and his normal routine. He meets Runa Sen, the daughter of his boss, who is attracted to him.They have an affair, and quickly get married. This increase the power and wealth of Devansh and he controls the large business empire of his wife and her family.However after a few years, the marriage breaks down, he is assaulted repeatedly,and his personal life becomes hell.
To escape his horrible life, Devansh Barua goes to Sweden.There he meets Natasha again, and though he tries to revive the relationship, she tells him that the time is past. How she then helps him understand and resolve his various problems forms the rest of the book.
This book again highlights the extreme cruelty and inhumanity of indian internet sector in cheating, exploiting, robbing older investors,webmasters refusing to acknowledge their experience. Many of them spend the best years of their life investing, understanding the internet, often forgoing personal relationships,.Now with top companies, officials making fake claims about domain ownership to get frauds like gujju stock trader amita patel monthly salaries at the expense of the real domain investor, the domain investor has almost nothing.
Kindly note that raw/cbi/government employees and their associates like greedy goan bhandari scammer slim sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, goan gsb housewife EXTORTIONIST robber riddhi nayak caro, kolhapur/panaji sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani who looks like actress sneha wagh, her scammer sons karan, nikhil, bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree,indore robber housewife bespectacled deepika/veena, haryana scammer mba hr ruchika kinge, stock trader amita patel are not associated with the blog in any way, since they do not spend any time reading, writing, refuse to pay the domain renewal fees, yet make fake claims after stealing data, in a financial fraud, cybercrime, government SLAVERY beating Anthony Levandowski’s data theft from Google to get very good government salaries at the expense of the real domain investor, reviewer who is making great financial losses because of the online, financial fraud, correspondence theft
Worth reading for those who wish to understand relationships better,especially when younger
We’ll meet again, Serendipity, Fate & Karma
Author: Anshu Pathak
Publisher : Diamond Books,2011
Pages: 158
Review: Selected stories of Rabindranath Tagore 0
Though there have been great advances in technology, human nature remains essentially the same.
Rabindranath Tagore is one of the most famous indian writers , and his short stories give a glimpse of life in India more than a century ago.
In his stories he shows his excellent understanding of people living in rural as well urban areas.
He also shows the behavior of people, especially teenagers when they are displaced,living in a new city.
Probably the book is most worth reading because the writer understands the mindset of a person who is alone and lonely very well. In the short story postmaster,he writes about a postmaster in a remote place Ulapur. He meets Ratan who is also alone, and Ratan becomes fond of him.However, the postmaster gets a transfer to another place,and refuses to take ratan with him. Ratan is extremely upset, and has tears flowing from her eyes.
Tagore correctly mentions that she has succumbed to a very common human folly hope,many people waste many years of their life hoping,when they should actually be realistic to avoid disappointment, exploitation and bitterness
Some of the ntro/raw/cbi employees like the mhow monster puneet are experts in exploiting the optimism of people, which makes them hope for a better future. Since 2010,the cruel cunning mhow monster puneet, exploited the optimism of the reviewer to steal everything her, destroy her life completely and also encouraged all his greedy fraud friends to do so. In fact making people hope,and then rejecting them because they are not good enough is a favorite torture technique.
After hoping for better deals,8-9 years the domain investor slowly realized that the mhow monster puneet and others all hated her.Now she has no hope of help from these liars,cheaters, no expectations and is able to handle all her problems better
Kindly note that raw/cbi/government employees and their associates like greedy goan bhandari scammer slim sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, goan gsb housewife EXTORTIONIST robber riddhi nayak caro, kolhapur/panaji sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani who looks like actress sneha wagh, her scammer sons karan, nikhil, bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree,indore robber housewife bespectacled deepika/veena, haryana scammer mba hr ruchika kinge, stock trader amita patel are not associated with the blog in any way, since they do not spend any time reading, writing, refuse to pay the domain renewal fees, yet make fake claims after stealing data, in a financial fraud, cybercrime, government SLAVERY beating Anthony Levandowski’s data theft from Google to get very good government salaries at the expense of the real domain investor, reviewer who is making great financial losses because of the online, financial fraud, correspondence theft
A good book for understanding human nature
Selected stories
Author: Rabindranath Tagore
Publisher : Maple Press
Pages: 204
Review: The Undeserving Boss 0
It is necessary to have employees or staff if a business has to grow, yet finding honest, hardworking staff is a major problem for many businesses which the mainstream media and few authors write about
One of the reasons the reviewer does not have any person working for her, is that top tech and internet companies have made cheater her very lucrative and have rewarded everyone who cheats her with government jobs, falsely claiming that they are doing all the work, and she is a idle lazy personwith health and other problems.
For example in 2011-12, te reviewer paid some money to haryana mba hr ruchika kinge, bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree, after which the reviewer’s retirement savings of twenty years were stolen without a legally valid reason to force her to agree to identity theft. The dishonest ruchika, nayanshree refused to reply to the domain investor after her savings were stolen, allegedly got government jobs and are falsely claiming to own her paypal, bank, iwriter account and getting a monthly government salary at her expense, without doing any kind of computer work,
Both nayanshre, ruchika, refused to reply to the domain investor after 2012, yet the government is making fake claims about the iwriter account opened in 2013, and all the future writing work, in a clear case of government slavery
Similarly greedy goan scammer siddhi mandrekar committed corporate espionage on the reviewer, and was again rewarded with a government job, is falsely claiming to own the paypal, bank account, websites including this one of the reviewer in another indication of how the government is rewarding cybercrime
The book is interesting because the main story of the book is how a computer hardware repair business finds that some of the hardware is missing, causing financial losses. The owner of MUSE, Mr Malik is in his fifties and has health problems. So he asks his eldest daughter Ella, or Farya Mallik to help him. Some RAM,laptop and other hardware are missing, and the percentage of hardware repaired is also lower. Though the book also focuses on the personal relationships,it is mainly interested for the information on how computer repair businesses are run.
Many of the computer components are small in size and it is comparatively easy to carry them.For example the greedy goan scammer siddhi mandrekar used a pen drive to commit corporate espionage, to steal data so that she could falsely claim to own the business. So business owners from poor communities should be very careful since well connected staff or contractors frompowerful wealthy communities get away with their corporate espionage,the business owner is blamed for not being careful
Kindly note that raw/cbi/government employees and their associates like greedy goan bhandari scammer slim sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, goan gsb housewife EXTORTIONIST robber riddhi nayak caro, kolhapur/panaji sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani who looks like actress sneha wagh, her scammer sons karan, nikhil, bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree,indore robber housewife bespectacled deepika/veena, haryana scammer mba hr ruchika kinge, stock trader amita patel are not associated with the blog in any way, since they do not spend any time reading, writing, refuse to pay the domain renewal fees, yet make fake claims after stealing data, in a financial fraud, cybercrime, government SLAVERY beating Anthony Levandowski’s data theft from Google to get very good government salaries at the expense of the real domain investor, reviewer who is making great financial losses because of the online, financial fraud, correspondence theft
In this book, since the business owner is well connected, has a legal team, he is able to take action against the employee who is stealing hardware. In contrast it is very difficult for the reviewer who is from one of the most powerless communities in india to get any kind of justice, take legal action against nayanshree, ruchika, siddhi mandrekar, because all the lawyers in india are being threatened if they help the domain investor, reviewer. This is a major problem for business owners and professionals from poor, powerless communities, if they hire anyone, the person will cheat them or file fake cases and get rewarded for their crimes
The Undeserving Boss
Author |:Hasina Sayed
Publisher: ThinkTank Books, 2020
Pages: 230