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Review: Bankerupt, Desire, Greed, Murder 0
While the rich and powerful communities in india like sindhis, gujjus, shivalli brahmins,banias, goans dismiss the content of this blog and website network as spam for exposing their endless frauds,cheating and exploitation they reflect the reality of living and working in india for the powerless communities, especially older single women. Most of the top bloggers in india, mainstream media owners are from the rich and powerful communities government agencies will not take any action even if the frauds are legally proved, while the government agencies refuse to acknowledge the work done by older single women.
The book Bankerupt is worth reading because it exposes the rampant financial manipulations in the world of investment banking. Anyone who is monitoring the financial results of companies before and after their IPO, takeover will notice some manipulation, the results, profit margin just before the IPO is usually higher to attract more investors. The Bharat pe controversy which is widely covered in the mainstream media is another example of the endless financial frauds, but is one of the few which the mainstream media has covered.
Since 2010, there is a massive financial fraud in the indian internet sector, with well paid government employees falsely claiming to own the domains, including this one , bank account and savings of a private citizen, single woman engineer, to get a monthly government salary while the single woman engineer is criminally defamed. While the mainstream media is covering the Bharat Pe controversy in great detail, it is an indication of the dishonesty, powers of the indian tech and internet companies that they have managed to dupe almost everyone in india with their great financial fraud. In contrast, outside india almost everyone agrees that there is a massive financial fraud regarding domain ownership
The main protagonist of the book Aditya Raisinghania is working as an investment banker, and to sell a shoe manufacturing firm at a higher price, he starts manipulating financial records along with his college classmate. This continues for several years till the fraud is detected and he loses his job. He is married to Cirisha Narayanan, originally from Coimbatore who is working as a professor in MIT. Most professors aim to get a tenure and there is intense competition for senior positions like that of the provost at MIT. Many of the senior professors appear flawless, yet have their own dark secrets.
In 2008, a series of mysterious deaths of professors and others associated with MIT leaves the police puzzled. How the mysteries are solved forms the rest of the story.
In addition to exposing the widespread financial fraud in the corporate sector in India, the book is interesting because it exposes one aspect of xerox machines which most people are not aware of. After 2002, almost all xerox machines have a hard drive, and are storing a digital copy of every document which is being photocopied,so anyone can get a copy of the documents later.
Kindly note that raw/cbi/government employees and their associates like greedy goan bhandari scammer slim sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, goan gsb housewife EXTORTIONIST robber riddhi nayak caro, kolhapur/panaji sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani who looks like actress sneha wagh, her scammer sons karan, nikhil, bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree,indore robber housewife bespectacled deepika/veena, haryana scammer mba hr ruchika kinge, stock trader amita patel are not associated with the blog in any way, since they do not spend any time reading, writing, refuse to pay the domain renewal fees, yet make fake claims after stealing data, in a financial fraud, cybercrime, government SLAVERY beating Anthony Levandowski’s data theft from Google to get very good government salaries at the expense of the real domain investor, reviewer who is making great financial losses because of the online, financial fraud, correspondence theft
This book is worth reading for exposing the all pervasive financial fraud in India, especially in the corporate sector and for those interested in an academic career, how MIT, one of the top colleges in the United States functions
Bankerupt, Desire, Greed, Murder
Author: Ravi Subramanian
Pages: 319
Publisher: Penguin Books, 2013
Review: You Can Sell,Results are rewarded, Efforts aren’t 0
In all other industry sectors, customers can directly contact professionals like masons, daily wage workers, plumbers if their services are required. Only in the indian internet sector, in an extortion, bribery racket, webmasters, domain investors and writers masterminded by the top tech and internet companies cannot be contacted directly, all the leads and orders are diverted to the relatives and friends of top officials like greedy goan fraud scammer siddhi mandrekar, goan gsb fraud housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, goan bhandari scammer sunaina chodan, haryana mba hr ruchika kinge, shivalli brahmins who then run an EXTORTION, IMPERSONATION RACKET to get a monthly government salary at the expense of the citizen whose correspondence they are ROBBING. The official reason for the correspondence theft of a harmless private citizen since 2010 is national security, though the security agencies have not been able to provide any proof, proving that correspondence theft is mainly for financial security of the greedy government employees
Allegedly greedy goan scammer siddhi mandrekar (who has the top government employees as her lovers) and her associates made so much money stealing all the writing leads for the domain investor, diverting them to her associates in Chennai, that she got a stake in a Chennai office
One of the reasons why the revenues of the domain investor, reviewer are low since 2010 is because of low sales due to the correspondence theft racket and it is also difficult to end the lead, order theft because of the EXTORTION RACKET of security agencies, making up fake stories of national security
So while marketing an online business or service is a waste of time in the indian internet sector, because of the rampant lead and order theft by greedy goans riddhi siddhi, shivalli brahmins, running an extortion racket, in other sectors, the ability to market a product is appreciated
The book “You Can Sell” with tagline Results are rewarded, Efforts aren’t mainly focusses on offline selling. The author shares his experience in selling insurance to customers,the mindset of the customers, and how to get a sale
Compared to other sectors the commissions and rewards for selling insurance are better. The book is divided into 31 chapters which discuss the different aspects of selling like attitude, psychology of selling, credibility, what buyers require and want, selling process ,prospecting ,managing time, ethics
The salesperson should also be systematic in his approach to lead generation, after sending a marketing letter, he should also follow up with the person to improve his conversion rate. It is also important to understand the requirement of the customer, and convince the customer that the product or service being sold provides a solution the customer is looking for.
The indian internet sector is extremely ruthless in cheating, exploiting and robbing hardworking single women, committing cybercrime on them, and stealing all their data to get government jobs for lazy greedy frauds from rich and powerful communities.In addition to ensuring that the domain investor, does not get any paid work in india, the scammer sindhis have also cheated,exploited and robbed her to get government jobs for kolhapur/panaji sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani who looks like actress sneha wagh, her scammer sons karan,nikhil, faking paypal, bank, account. When the domain investor was writing articles for clients in singapore, the scammer CYBERCRIMINAL sindhi brothers nikhil, karan premchandani supported by the fraud indian tech, internet companies allegedly google, tata, falsely claimed that they were doing the work, to get a monthly government salary at the expense of the real writer, a hardworking single woman engineer
To ensure that their great financial, online fraud is not exposed the sindhi scammers are supporting corrupt greedy fraud bhandari/obc officials like pritesh chodankar, naik, who are criminally defaming the domain investor, writer so that the sindhi , gujju, goan bhandari and other scammers can continue getting monthly government salaries for faking bank account, domain ownership at the expense of the single woman, without doing any computer work. The government policy of wasting taxpayer money on frauds faking online income, work without questioning has also encouraged more people to continue with the fraud.
So while selling skills do not matter in the indian internet sector, due to rampant theft of leads and orders by security agencies running a massive EXTORTION RACKET giving fake excuses of national security to become richer , and more powerful,and discourages the victims from wasting their time marketing, this book will help in selling offline and also for writing marketing articles.
You Can Sell”, Results are rewarded, Efforts aren’t
Author: Shiv Khera
Publisher: Rupa & Co, 2010
Pages: 300
Free book reviews for indian authors 0
This blog publishes free reviews of fiction and non-fiction books by indian authors. Due to the lack of honest obc/bhandari officials, leaders in India the blogger/book reviewer, a harmless private citizen is denied her fundamental rights since 2010, without a legally valid reason. Since most of the correspondence of the reviewer is allegedly diverted and stolen by ntro/raw/cbi employees running an extortion/impersonation racket, the reviewer has purchased most of the books which are reviewed, paying the market price.
Any author or publisher interested in a free 500+ word book review on the website can send a complimentary copy of their book to the real domain investor who pays all expenses and owns this website. Reviews of all books whose complimentary copies are received by the domain investor will be published within four weeks of receipt of the book, along with a good reads review, if the book is listed at goodreads.
Authors, publishers interested in a free review can send an email to and for details of the current address of the reviewer.
Vaabook offers users to read free books online.Thousands of English novel, web novel, Korean novel, Chinese novel, Japanese novel, other novel online which are daily updated! Vaabook is a site that offers a selection of novels for free by authors from different over the world. You can read these novels to your leisure in your browser.
Review: The Rataban Betrayal 0
Almost all indian citizens receive their correspondence without any problem. Yet since 2010, the correspondence of the domain investor, a harmless single woman engineer is diverted and stolen allegedly by raw/cbi employees goan scammers siddhi mandrekar, goan bhandari sunaina chodan, housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, without a legally valid reason who then run an impersonation/extortion racket to get lucrative raw/cbi salaries at her expense, while the reviewer, domain investor is isolated completely, denied a life of dignity.
The domain investor is a harmless private citizen, yet she has been denied her fundamental rights, been a victim of financial fraud since 2010, allegedly because CIA/R&AW employees are criminally defaming her in the worst manner, making fake allegations without any kind of proof, falsely claiming that their well paid employees own this and other websites in the network, to ruin her reputation, cause great financial losses.So this book The Rataban Betrayal is interesting because it provides information on how the CIA and R&AW works
While Edward Snowden’s book ‘Permanent Record’ provide a very entertaining look at how CIA works, using bribery and other methods, very less information is available on R&AW . The book starts with the death of a american missionary Dexter Fallows in Mussoorie, just before he was due to retire
Both R&AW and CIA swing into action, sending their agents to Mussoorie to solve the mystery of the death. The R&AW agent is Annapurna Tagore, called Anna, who is working for one of the various organizations associated with R&AW,working as a sound engineer. In Mussoorie, Anna is asked to meet Col. Afridi of the Himalaya Rsearch Institute (HRI) which has the latest surveillance equipment to keep an eye on activity on india’s borders, especially with China. The equipment available allows them to monitor people and animals on the border easily.
Afridi was a mountaineer who lost his limbs while climbing down the Rataban mountain in the Himalayas. He was allegedly betrayed by one of the american climber Fayles resulting in the loss of his legs. Jigme, who accompanied Afridi on his mountaineering expeditions is also shot dead. Later the colonel shoots an intruder in his home, who is later identified as Noya Feldman, a young Israeli woman.
How the killer is identified forms the rest of the story. After criminally defaming the reviewer without any legally valid proof, she is under surveillance for more than 12 years, so this book provides information on the surveillance equipment which is available. It also confirms that R&AW uses a network of companies to get its work done in India
Kindly note that raw/cbi/government employees and their associates like greedy goan bhandari scammer slim sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, goan gsb housewife EXTORTIONIST robber riddhi nayak caro, kolhapur/panaji sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani who looks like actress sneha wagh, her scammer sons karan, nikhil, bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree,indore robber housewife bespectacled deepika/veena, haryana scammer mba hr ruchika kinge, stock trader amita patel are not associated with the blog in any way, since they do not spend any time reading, writing, refuse to pay the domain renewal fees, yet make fake claims after stealing data, in a financial fraud, cybercrime, government SLAVERY beating Anthony Levandowski’s data theft from Google to get very good government salaries at the expense of the real domain investor, reviewer who is making great financial losses because of the online, financial fraud, correspondence theft
Recommended for those who are harassed,criminally defamed/falsely accused by both R&AW,CIA, their correspondence robbed by raw/cbi employees for more than 10 years without a legally valid reason, yet have very less information on these agencies
The Rataban Betrayal
Author: Stephen Alter
Pages: 396
Publisher: Penguin books, Metro reads
Review: Jaane Bhi do Yaaro 0
Most Hindi movies are either romances or action dramas, there are very few movies which are comedies. The movie Jaane bhi do Yaaro is one of the few well made Hindi comedy movies though it does not have a happy ending. It was a very entertaining and well made movie, many people watched it repeatedly.
This book is written by Jai Arjun Singh, a Hindi movie buff who has watched the movie repeatedly. He has taken the effort to meet the director of the movie, Kundan Shah and others involved in the movie to write this book. This book provides detailed information on the process of making a movie, hiring actors, their remuneration for their roles in the movie. The director of the movie wanted to show how the common man finds it difficult to fight the system and is easily trapped.
The book also has information on how the movie got funding from NFDC which approved the funding easily. This exposes the fraud of government employees who are complaining about the content quality, when they are aware that the website is owned by a private citizen, who does not get any financial help from any government agencies, anyone in india at all due to the massive financial fraud, government slavery in the indian internet sector.
Another aspect which the book exposes is how the builder Tarneja when interviewed claims that hardwork is the reason for his success when actually scheming and bribing is the real reason why he is making so much money. This shows how people mislead young people with fake stories, when bribing is most important in india
The domain investor has been threatened with defamation for the website content, when she does not use the real name of the persons involved. This is done in many books and movies, for example in Jaane bhi do Yaaro, the police commissioner Demello is allegedly inspired by Julio Ribeiro according to the author. First the name was changed to Rebello and then the police commissioners name was changed to Demello in the movie.
Kindly note that government employees and their associates like greedy goan bhandari scammer slim sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, goan gsb housewife EXTORTIONIST robber riddhi nayak caro, kolhapur/panaji sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani who looks like actress sneha wagh, her scammer sons karan, nikhil, bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree,indore robber housewife bespectacled deepika/veena, haryana scammer mba hr ruchika kinge, stock trader amita patel are not associated with the blog in any way, since they do not spend any time reading, writing, refuse to pay the domain renewal fees, yet make fake claims after stealing data, in a financial fraud, cybercrime, government SLAVERY beating Anthony Levandowski’s data theft from Google to get very good government salaries at the expense of the real domain investor, reviewer
Recommended for those who wish to understand the process of making movies
Jaane bhi do Yaaro
Author : Jai Arjun Singh
Publisher: Harper Collins,2010
Pages : 272
Review: Days of the Raj, Life and Leisure in British India 0
The British ruled most parts of India for more than a century and their influence remains on the legal, judicial, educational, financial and other systems in India even today. The book, Days of the Raj is compiled from the large amount of archives left in India in the form of reports, letters, memoirs. After the preface and acknowledgement the book is divided into different sections like Raj Travels, Raj Homes, Raj Leisure and Raj Relations.
Raj Travels consist of reports from travellers and people residing in various parts of India, like Bombay, Calcutta, Bangalore, Allahabad
The Raj homes section is fairly interesting describing in detail the large number of domestic workers in each home like the cook, dhobi, ayah, under ayah, grasscutters, waterman how much they were paid. It also highlights the importance of supervising the servants, in some cases the servants children would be found in the kitchen sitting on raw beef
The Raj Leisure has an interesting section on gardens and gardeners, applying manure to the soil, how gardeners may steal theseeds, preparing the soil. The final section profiles the english men and women who came to india, their relationships with the native people, each other.
While some aspects of British India has disappeared, other notes especially regarding gardening, servants still remain relevant.
Kindly note that government employees and their associates like greedy goan bhandari scammer slim sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, goan gsb housewife EXTORTIONIST robber riddhi nayak caro, kolhapur/panaji sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani who looks like actress sneha wagh, her scammer sons karan, nikhil, bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree,indore robber housewife bespectacled deepika/veena, haryana scammer mba hr ruchika kinge, stock trader amita patel are not associated with the blog in any way, since they do not spend any time reading, writing, refuse to pay the domain renewal fees, yet make fake claims after stealing data, in a financial fraud, government SLAVERY ,cybercrime beating Anthony Levandowski’s data theft from Google
This information is useful for those who wish to get information on making paper notebooks and other paper products, for personal use, why there are no books for business owners
Days of the Raj
Life and Leisure in British India
Edited by Pramod Nayar
Publisher : Penguin Books, 2009
Pages: 309
Review: The honest always stand alone 0
The mainstream media is always carrying the news of corrupt politicians it refuses to carry the news of corrupt government officials, especially in central government agencies. Politicians are voted out of power after 5 years or may get disqualified, however, there is almost nothing indian citizens can do when they are harassed, cheated, exploited and tortured by corrupt well paid greedy government employees
Specifically the indian internet sector is cursed with the most corrupt and dishonest officials in the world, who falsely accusing honest hardworking domain investors of cheating without any kind of proof, while committing the most brazen financial fraud on these domain investors for the last 12 years since 2010, falsely claiming that they and their lazy greedy fraud girlfriends, associates who do not pay any money for the domains, own the domains of a private citizen to get their girlfriends and associates, raw/cbi jobs with monthly salaries at the expense of the domain investor who is criminally defamed in the worst manner.
The book “The honest always stand alone” is written by one of the earliest IAS officers in india, CG Somiah. He describes the process of recruitment in the IAS in great detail, the examination and training of the candidates who qualify. He also explains the deputation of the IAS officers in the various states, especially Orissa where he was deployed. Like most IAS officers, he also served at the centre.
He describes Emergency in great detail, how he advised his colleagues not to give any rash recommendations since politicians may be voted out of power, but the IAS officer signing the order will be held accountable. Howver compared to the endless atrocities, human rights abuses committed by government agencies on small business owners, IAS officers lead a very good life, having the best facilities, do not face any harassment.
C.G. Somiah also served as the comptroller and auditor general of india from 1990 to 1996. He mentions that some powerful government officials, including judges are abusing their powers , wasting taxpayer money for personal gain. One judge used the official car for his daughters wedding and when the car was involved in an accident, the government paid the repair bill. Similarly the same judge, was making the government pay his personal telephone bill.Though it was difficul, action was taken against the judge
Thirty years later, corruption levels in India are very high and there is no one who is questioning the well paid intelligence and security agencies who are abusing their powers, to criminally defame, harass, cheat and exploit harmless private citizens, wasting crores of rupees of taxpayer money, only for personal gain and hatred. Till 2010, the reviewer, a harmless private citizen, engineer lived in the same home for 15 years without any major problem.
Some powerful government employees discovered that she was single, from the poor bhandari community and had an impressive resume. So for resume theft, the domain investor has been sexually harassed, stalked, tortured in each of 4 houses she has lived in the last 10 years, wasting at least Rs 5 crores of indian taxpayer money annually. He fraud male btech 1993 ee classmates from a top college, working in government agencies are also falsely claiming that their lazy greedy fraud girlfriends, often twenty years younger, were their engineering classmates to get them government jobs again wasting crores of taxpayer money.
Showing the increasing corruption, instead of investigating the well paid liar employees, why Rs 5 crores of taxpayer money annually is wasted for sexually harassing a harmless citizen, the reviewer is falsely labelled a security threat for complaining. This shows the governance at present, just because some powerful government employees hate their female engineering classmate, a 100% personal HATRED,why is indian taxpayer money wasted, how is it different from the judge using his official car for his daughters wedding?
Academically brilliant students can choose to join government agencies, do a job or start a business. In india, the harsh reality is that academically brilliant small business owners are subjected to the most horrific human rights abuses, without a court order or legally valid reason to force them to agree to identity theft so that the relatives and friends of top officials can get a monthly goverment salaries with the stolen resume. The bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife raw employee nayanshree, 2005 bbm from bhandarkars college of arts and science is one of the biggest beneficiaries of the identity theft racket.Though electoral rolls show that goan bhandari scammer sunaina chodan was not even born in 1989 to give JEE government employees from the btech 1993 ee class of iit bombay like j srinivasan, are allegedly falsely claiming that she was their btech 1993 ee classmate to get her great powers, monthly government salary at the expense of their real classmate who is criminally defamed in the worst manner since 2010 in another case of wastage of taxpayer money for personal gain. No action is taken against j srinivasan or other government employees for their professional misconduct.
Kindly note that government employees and their associates like greedy goan bhandari scammer slim sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, kolhapur/panaji sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani, her scammer sons karan, nikhil, bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree,indore robber housewife bespectacled deepika/veena, haryana scammer mba hr ruchika kinge, stock trader amita patel are not associated with the blog in any way, since they do not spend any time reading, writing yet make fake claims after stealing data, in a cybercrime beating Anthony Levandowski’s data theft from Google
This book is worth reading for those who wish to understand the life of the extremely powerful IAS officers, and how corruption, abuse of powers has increased in India, with no action being taken against officials wasting taxpayer money
The honest always stand alone
C.G Somiah
Publisher: Niyogi Books
Pages : 273
Review: You’ve got the wrong girl 0
The reviewer is harassed/stalked by a very powerful person for the last 11 years, though she has never interacted with the person any time in her life. The person does not want to contact her, though he is harassing all the persons she is interacting with, especially shopowners, getting some of the shops closed. Also in life, the reviewer like others interact with others once, for a few days or months, years and then the person disappears from our lives. Re-establishing contact is a challenge, but usually if one person is interested they can always at least get the contact details, try to contact at least once.
So the book, You’ve got the wrong girl, is interesting because it show how people will spend a lot of time and money, if they really wish to establish contact with anyone. The book author Dushyant Rathore, has a one night stand with a beautiful woman in Agra, where his best friend Vikram Saxena is marrying his ex girlfriend the wealthy heiress Anjali Raizada. Rathore plans to gatecrash the wedding and prevent it, but he is not allowed entry, since he does not have a valid entry pass.
The beautiful girl disappears, Rathore writes a best selling book, and then for the sequel he starts his search for the beautiful woman. After spending a lot of time and effort, he finds out that the name of the beautiful woman is Diya Banerjee, and she is a social worker. Since she is very committed to her work, Diya finds Rathore very frivolous, still obsessed with Anjali Raizada, and asks him to leave her alone telling him that she is the wrong girl.
After 3 years, Anjali finds that her husband Vikram is not paying enough attention is planning to divorce him, and marry Rathore. What happens next forms the rest of the story.
Since 2010, some powerful officials have spread fake rumors that they are helping her, when they have never contacted her at all, and are not interested in contacting her, though they are extremely shameless and ruthless in misusing their name. Initially the gullible domain investor, thought that these officials were honest, now it is clear that it is only a mental torture technique, denying information, while faking the relationship to steal her resume, misuse her name.
This book shows that if anyone really wishes to contact, they will spend a lot of time, resources, and atleast send a message, if not personally visit the person they are interested in.
In the book, the author tries to contact the mystery girl after 3 years, wasting time and money, in case of the domain investor, no one has contacted for 11 years, yet they shamelesly misuse her name to get great powers, monthly government salary for their real girlfriends like goan bhandari call girl slim scammer sunaina chodan. so it is time, that top officials stop monitoring and misusing the name of the reviewer.
This book offers a good insight into how books are published and marketed in India, life of rich and well connected.
Kindly note that government employees and their associates like greedy goan bhandari scammer sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, kolhapur/panaji sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani, her scammer sons karan, nikhil, bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree,indore robber housewife bespectacled deepika/veena, haryana scammer mba hr ruchika kinge, stock trader amita patel are not associated with the blog in any way, since they do not spend any time reading, writing yet make fake claims after stealing data, in a cybercrime beating Anthony Levandowski’s data theft from Google
You’ve Got the Wrong Girl
Author: Sreemoyee Piu Kundu
Publisher: Hachette India, 2015
Pages: 336
Review: All about Romantic Love 0
Increasingly newspapers are carrying news stories of how women are being cheated, often of large amounts of money, making fake promises of marriage. The women cheated are usually above the age of 30, and the men cheating them, take advantage of the worsening status of older single women in india, how the government agencies are ignoring all the complaints of the single woman though she can provide proof.The fraudsters cheating single women are allegedly inspired by the greatest fake help/relationship fraud in the indian internet sector since 2010, which the largest tech and internet companies are openly supporting
One of the greatest frauds and most sophisticated corruption rackets of top government employees in the internet sector is how they are FAKING their relationship with single women professionals, investor who they HATE, to rob everything from the single woman and destroy her life completely. These well paid powerful government employees have never contacted the single woman anytime, yet they fake their relationship, duping countries, companies and people in the process.
For example some college classmates of the reviewer are extremely powerful, holding top government jobs, HATE the domain investor, have never contacted her anytime. Yet since 2010, these cheater classmates are faking their relationship with her, falsely claiming that she is their proxy, her savings, domains, websites including this one, belong to them, when actually these classmates, their real girlfriends and associates have never contacted or helped the domain investor at all. The fraud government employees are faking their relationship mainly to get their lazy greedy ruthless fraud real girlfriends and associates lucrative government jobs with the stolen resume of their real domains.
Hence the book “All about Romantic Love” is interesting because it explores relationships from the viewpoint of a psychotherapist. Though relationships can bring great happiness, they can also ruin a persons life. Specifically top government officials are involved in a sophisticated corruption racket of faking their relationship with older single women professionals who they HATE, have never contacted, to rob everything from them and ruin their life, since they are aware that older single women usually do not have a support system
However the book covers conventional relationships where there is some kind of interaction between the partners not sophisticated fake relationship frauds of top indian intelligence, security agency employees who are allowed to waste crores of taxpayer money to put the single woman they HATE under surveillance. The psychotherapist correctly advises that healthy relationships should be nurtured, while it is advisable to identify and end toxic relationships at the earliest to reduce the harm that they cause.
He specifically mentions case studies from his clinic, how failing relationships can adversely affect the health, career, finances of an individual. Often the relationship is one sided, only one person is making all the sacrifices. Usually good looking, charming and rich men and women are able to manipulate others, especially plain looking hardworking persons who trust others.
In the case of Sudha, he mentions how working very hard, taking up multiple part time jobs to help her boyfriend, has adversely affected her appearance. This exposes the great work at home fraud, government slavery in the indian internet sector, with government agencies falsely claiming that women who are only cooking, cleaning for their crooked husbands, are doing computer work to give them government jobs at the expense of the person doing computer work. Most office jobs are stressful, and the government agencies,fraud tech, internet companies refuse to admit that indian paypal account holders are being paid for some work they do for clients, instead humiliating, cheating them to falsely give credit, salaries to scammer students, cheater housewives, goan call girls and other frauds.
He also mentions that though people usually think that only men are cheated by women, in reality the number of women cheated by men is usually higher, but the women do not complain, or no one listens to their complaints. Another feature of relationships is that they change over a period of time, and people should realize this and adjust to this, not allow a toxic relationship affect them. He has also mentioned the various theories regarding romantic relationships
This book is very helpful for those who have a real relationship problem with a person who they actually interact with, contacted in some way, but ending the fake relationship fraud of top government employees for more than 10 years, who pretend to help a woman they have never contacted, to rob her of everything, will be more challenging
Like Dr Govind Sharma’s other book, The Break up Clinic, this book is also helpful for those who find that they are being cheated, exploited, robbed, defamed by someone who they trusted
Kindly note that government employees and their associates like greedy goan bhandari scammer sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, kolhapur/panaji sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani, her scammer sons karan, nikhil, bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree,indore robber housewife bespectacled deepika/veena, haryana scammer mba hr ruchika kinge, stock trader amita patel are not associated with the blog in any way, since they do not spend any time reading, writing yet make fake claims after stealing data, in a cybercrime beating Anthony Levandowski’s data theft from Google
For a free review of any printed book, please contact
All about Romantic Love
Author : Dr Govind Sharma ,IAS Retd
Publisher: Notion Press, 2021
Review : Point of View 0
In India, the success of a person depends to a large extent on the family background and also the personal life. Individuals from upper middle class families and wealthy communities are more likely to succeed, government agencies do not make fake allegations against them without any proof for a decade or more. Also professionals who are married with children are also more like to succeed, while single professionals especially older women like the reviewer are openly subjected to fraud by powerful government employees who misuse their name, steal their resume, though these greedy government employees have never contacted the single woman professional anytime in their life.
Point of View is the story of two generations of a family from Punjab/haryana settled in Delhi. The reviewer is not very familiar with the various communities in north india, but from their lifestyle it is the story of upper middle class brother who professionals, excelling in their areas of specialization. The elder brother Vinod Anand specializes in market research to help companies sell more products, and has a large number of employees. The younger brother Vijay Anand is a psychotherapist, who uses the latest techniques to help people from different backgrounds resolve their problems.
However, the book focusses more on the personal life of the two brothers and their family, how the brothers met their wives and married them. Both the brothers chose their wives, they did not have the conventional ‘arranged marriage’ A few decades ago, before the internet was available, most young people only interacted with their neighbours or their professional associates. The elder brother Vinod marries Kiran, the daughter of his professor in Mumbai, where he studied. Vijay likes and marries Kalpana who was his neigbour for some time.
Though younger people have more freedom compared to their parents, they still lead fairly conventional lives. Young women rarely go out alone, usually a cousin or relative will accompany them. The book then covers the personal life and affairs of the next generation of the Anand family, the brothers children, Vivek, Kaya, Kangana and Vikas. Since Vikas is young, the book mainly covers the romance of Vivek, Kaya and Kangana, they meet their partners socially. Vivek likes and wishes to marry Palak, the daughter of Lalit Kohli, but her parents receive a proposal from a close family friend. Since it is an arranged marriage, when Palak informs her parents, they inform the family friend, who understands the predicament, and does not let it affect the relationship.
Briefly the book also provides a glimpse of how market research and psycotherapists function. Like most experts, they publish books. Also investing in property is very lucrative, the brothers are able to open large offices/clinics, and also build a bungalow for each family. Like most upper class families they have a retinue of servants including a cook to attend to all the household work, the housewives are mainly managing the servants. Also functions like marriages are celebrated on a grand scale, with beauticians and other staff being hired. The term ring ceremony is being used to describe engagement.
Since the capital of india is located in delhi, many of the influential decision makers are from surrounding states like haryana and punjab. The reviewer has mainly lived in western india, where the lifestyle and attitude is very different, she has not interacted much with north indians. So this book is a good way to understand the lifestyle, mindset of people from North India, so that it is easier to deal with them. This book is recommended for those who want to get a glimpse of the life of wealthy and successful North indian professionals.
Kindly note that government employees and their associates like greedy goan bhandari scammer sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, kolhapur/panaji sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani, her scammer sons karan, nikhil, bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree,indore robber housewife bespectacled deepika/veena, haryana scammer mba hr ruchika kinge, stock trader amita patel are not associated with the blog in any way, since they do not spend any time reading, writing yet make fake claims after stealing data, in a cybercrime beating Anthony Levandowski’s data theft from Google
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Point of View
Author: Susheel Kumar Batra
Publisher: the Write Place, an initiative of Crosswords Bookstore, 2021
Pages: 403