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The Indian farmers protest 0
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Author Sir-Inder Deol
Release date: 11/01/2022 Available from all Amazon and all good bookstores.
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‘When events compel activists such as Greta Thunberg, Ravi Singh and Russel Brand, politicians like Justin Trudeau, Tan Dhesi and Jagmeet Singh, as well as A-list celebrities like Rihanna to enter the fray; something pivotal has caught the collective imagination.’
Sir-Inder Deol’s mastery of the poetic word transports the reader directly into the forefront of the largest mass protest in human history. His tone eloquently reflects a combination of the personal and collective struggle of the agitators, inviting readers to both question and better understand the political and corporate cogs of society. It literally makes you want to go out and protest! The Resistance Collection, whilst containing a rich insight into the Indian farmer’s protest, also crosses over. A modern-day inspirational manual of sorts for activists and reformers worldwide.
Deol illuminates every single poem with his command of figurative language, managing to effortlessly capture such raw emotion in a mere matter of words. The combination of the intellectual with the metaphorical depicts an imperative class consciousness narrative that encourages its reader to pause and reflect. It was within each pause that I found a truly unique insight into what resistance entailed, and what it evoked for the Indian farmers. It is a poetic resistance story like none other, one which resonates wholly with its reader. I look forward, eagerly, for what Deol may bring next, he is truly an emerging literary genius. (Professor Balkar Singh. Professor of Eminence, Patiala University, India. Author and Academic Scholar).
The Author:
Sir-Inder Deol is a poet, a human rights activist, and a strong advocate of freedom of speech and expression. He published The Deol Foundation’s Indian Human Rights Report in March 2021, the first report of its kind during the historic struggle. Writing and poetry are his passions. In 2020 Sir-Inder decided to start a foundation that bore the family name. Focusing on freedom of expression, human rights, environmental rights, and social impact. The foundation has created projects worldwide to support this agenda. One of the programmes includes Academic Research, run by up-and-coming scholars. Covering a wide range of topics, the project has gained support from Internationally established senior academics. Sir-Inder has also helped to establish the emerging publishing house TDF Books, which is dedicated to publications that fall within the parameters of the aforementioned areas of focus.
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vViIrRuUsS: I NEVER FORGET is a post apocalyptic techno thriller with elements of science fiction, dystopian, philosophical fantasy, psychological fiction, crime fiction, legal/medical mystery, military/genetic engineering suspense.
Logline: A dangerous world where everyone can become a criminal.
Synopsis: Virus virus expose past, secrets, thoughts, crimes and the true reality and cause madness. Who is guilty? Who is innocent?
Links for vViIrRuUsS
ROSE: FUTURE HEART is dark fantasy romance towards self-esteem, self-help, self-love, self-development, self-improvement, healing.
Logline: A rare rose strives to turn a blurry past into a bright future.
Synopsis: A mentally and physically tortured rose is trying through introversion to avoid society’s violence so as to retain her true, pure and moral character.
Links for ROSE
HOLLOW: A LOVE LIKE A LIFE is romantic suspense supernatural paranormal romance, mystical/spiritual fantasy, romantic mystery.
Logline: A spiritual wind makes an impossible romance possible.
Synopsis: Two ghost spirits live their love despite being in different universes, in light’s and in dark’s, through secret language filling them sacred energy.
Links for HOLLOW
Review: Care of the eyes, Author: Dr. Dhiren Gala & Others 0
As a person grows older in most cases, the eyesight is affected. Also young students also are wearing spectacles. Some experts say that it is advisable to avoid wearing spectacles to the extent possible, since the eyes will automatically adjust to the changes. Hence the domain investor is collecting and reading books on improving eyesight since she spends some time daily reading books and has observed that most people about 45 years are wearing spectacles for reading fine print.
Care of the eyes is a book on taking proper care of the eyes, so that they remain in good condition for the rest of the life. Like the author points out some of the eye problems are due to hereditary factors, and cannot be corrected. He also says that people should avoid wearing glasses to the extent possible. wearing glasses will make the defect permanent.
the book is divided into twelve different chapters like causes of visual trouble, diet, physical exercises, correct use of eyes, eyesight testing method, contact lenses and general care of the eyes
The author has also provided details of ten good habits for keeping eyes in good condition, exercises for strengthening the eyes and how to take care of children’s eyesight from childhood.
The book includes a eye test chart from Dristi Sudhar Kendra, Mumbai and Near vision test chart.
Kindly note that ntro, raw, cbi employees and their associates like panaji/kolhapur sindhi school dropout naina premchandani who looks like actress sneha wagh, her lazy fraud sons nikhil,karan, goan bhandari slim scammer sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, greedy goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak caro,gujju stock broker amita patel featured in moneycontrol, hindu business line, indore robber deepika, haryana mba hr ruchika kinge, bengaluru shivalli brahmin cheater nayanshree, wife of tata power employee guruprasad are not associated with the website in any way since they do not pay any domain expenses at all, though the indian and state governments especially goa, madhya pradesh, karnataka, haryana government are making fake claims DUPING domain registries, registrars and ICANN in a major DOMAIN, FINANCIAL FRAUD for the last 10 years allegedly bribed by google, tata to increase the profit of these companies. These frauds are not on talking terms with the domain investor yet make fake claims about website ownership, computer work in a major financial fraud, government Slavery racket indicate rampant financial fraud, human rights abuses.
Kindly note that this book was purchased paying the market price, this review was provided free of cost, please contact at for free book reviews
This is a useful book for those who wish to take proper care of their eyes and avoid wearing spectacles to the extent possible.
Care of the eyes
Author : Dr.D.R. Gala, Dr. Dhiren Gala, Dr. Sanjay Gala
Publisher : Navneet Education Limited
Pages: 45
Review : Twenty nine going on thirty, Author Andaleeb Wajeed 0
Though the domain investor, online publisher registered her first domain in 2002, and owns more than 400 domains, the indian internet sector refuses to acknowledge her in a major financial,online fraud, falsely claiming that this and other domains belong to google, tata sponsored lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employees who do not spend any money on domains at all and do not control them. This government slavery, online fraud is because the domain investor is an engineer, she has never worked in any internet or tech company as an employee
So the book “Twenty nine going on Thirty” by Andaleeb Wajeed is interesting because it is set in a tech company. The main protagonist Priya is heading the social media section of a software company. The book shows how most companies are working they have plenty of employees and interns for doing comparatively less work. In contrast the domain investor is managing and other websites alone, yet since 2010, she is victim of government SLAVERY, with the government falsely claiming that various google, tata sponsored lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employees who do not spend any time, and also do not even contact the domain investor are doing the work, to pay all these frauds a monthly government salary at the expense of the domain investor who is spending her time daily.
The book also highlights the problem faced dealing with interns, many of them are extra smart, and will openly ridicule and harass their boss. They will also refuse to do what they asked, if they do not feel that their boss is smart. This exposes the goa government, indian internet sector fraud of falsely giving panaji greedy goan bhandari raw employee scammer sunaina chodan, sindhi scammer brothers karan, nikhil premchandani, siddhi mandrekar, greedy goan gsb fraud robber riddhi nayak caro who do no computer work, credit and monthly salaries only for making fake claims in a clear case of government slavery.
In her personal life also Priya is facing a problem, since she is twenty nine and is not yet married, making her worried. In india women who are not married are facing a lot of harassment socially and their professional life is also affected. This problem has worsened in the last decade, and the government agencies encourage everyone to criminally defame, cheat, exploit, rob hardworking single women professionals
Priya is sharing her house with a friend Farida in Bangalore and is facing legal problems with her relatives who are harassing her. This exposes the raw/cbi/ntro fraud of falsely giving google, tata sponsored indore robber raw employee bespectacled housewife deepika, who robbed the domain investor, credit and monthly salary for faking domain ownership, robbing the domain investor,just because she is a relative. When the relative has caused so much harm, why should she get credit and a monthly salary at the expense of the domain investor whose life she destroyed.
Another interesting aspect the book highlights is how smartphones are getting damaged very quickly, since people carry them everyone, and often spill water, food on the smartphone, destroying the electronics. So many people are spending Rs 13000-15000 periodically to replace their damaged smartphone.
Kindly note that india’s greatest domain fraudster the greedy gujju stock broker raw employee amita patel, featured in moneycontrol, hindu business line,who charges Rs 6 lakh per person for stock training, haryana scammer mba hr ruchika kinge, bengaluru brahmin cheater nayanshree hathwar and other raw/cbi employees are not associated with the website in any way, though google, tata, indian tech and internet companies allegedly running india’s biggest sex, bribery racket since 2010, are making fake claims to get all the frauds monthly raw/cbi salaries at the expense of the real domain investor
To cover up the government SLAVERY, financial fraud in the indian internet sector since 2010, the domain investor is isolated completely, especially in panaji, goa with all her correspondence being stolen by the google,tata sponsored raw/cbi employees panaji greedy goan bhandari raw employee scammer sunaina chodan, sindhi scammer brothers karan, nikhil premchandani, their school dropout mother naina premchandandani siddhi mandrekar, greedy goan gsb fraud robber riddhi nayak caro running an extortion racket.
So this book is interesting as it gives a glimpse of the life of young people working in internet companies.
Book: Twenty nine going on Thirty
Author : Andaleeb Wajeed
Publisher: Penguin books, 2018
Pages: 243
Review: Paradise towers, Author: Shweta Bachchan-Nanda 0
Though real estate agents will consider the location while choosing a home, one of the main factors a person should consider especially if the person is single, old or a woman is the neighbors in the area. For example the domain investor was living in a middle class area of mumbai, yet because the people in the area were tolerant she did not face major problems. In contrast though the domain investor has a mailing address in one of the poshest areas of panaji, she is facing many problems because the some of the high status respectable people like the sindhi scammer schooldropout naina premchandani, her scammer sons karan, nikhil and her xerox shop owning husband pran premchandani, goan bhandari sunaina chodan, teacher edith are scammers, liars openly involved in real estate, banking fraud, criminal trespassing, robbery,killing the plants. The repeated killing of the plants shows the extreme hatred.
“Paradise towers” is the story of the lives of people living in a residential building. Like most residential complexes in Mumbai, the building has people from different parts of the country and different religions. They often organize functions where the people living in the building interact with each other.
Mrs Mody is the oldest resident of the building and is living with her servant Patrick. She was the first resident of the building with her husband, and was monitoring activities in the building using binoculars. One day she is found dead presumably from a heart attack. However, the police inspector investigating the case finds that Patrick has given her an overdose of sleeping pils due to which she dies. Her pet parrot helps in solving the mystery of her death.
This shows the problem faced by senior citizens who are relying on servants for help and blindly trust them. The servants are aware that the senior citizens are completely dependent and helpless, so they often take advantage of them, tampering with their food, stealing money and serving poor quality food, to make more money. In some cases, they may get upset and plot their death.
Many young people have their first girlfriend or boyfriend from the same building or college. Beautiful young girls like laila aly khan have many young men interested in them, though their parents oppose their choice, if the person is from some other religion. When their parents find out they often oppose the marriage, resulting in conflict, though the dispute is resolved after some time.
There are many couples who meet while working in the same office like rangnekar couple. Later if the husband loses his job or does not do well in his career, he will abuse his wife beating her in privacy of the home, making her life hell. Often there are ego problems, and the husband may ask the wife to leave the job. In this case, the husband forced the wife to stay at home, running a lunch dabba business.
So while government agencies like security and intelligence agencies are extremely vicious in harassing, criminally defaming single women professionals, especially in panaji, goa, they refuse to acknowledge the fact that marriage is often risky for a woman because she may be subjected to physical abuse, torture, beating by her husband, and she cannot do anything because the woman is physically weaker
Later it is discovered that the husband is involved in illegal activity and jailed. Yet the people are tolerant enough to allow mrs rangnekar to live alone. This is in contrast to the attitude of people in one of the poshest areas of panaji,goa where some extremely powerful people are extremely hostile and prejudiced against all single women and are ruthless in criminally defaming, harassing single women professionals to force them to agree to identity theft.
Kindly note that google,tata sponsored raw/cbi employees india’s greatest domain fraudster the greedy gujju stock broker raw employee amita patel, featured in moneycontrol, hindu business line,who charges Rs 6 lakh per person for stock training, haryana scammer mba hr ruchika kinge, bengaluru brahmin cheater nayanshree hathwar, panaji greedy goan bhandari raw employee scammer sunaina chodan, sindhi scammer brothers karan, nikhil premchandani, their school dropout mother naina premchandandani who looks like actress sneha wagh, siddhi mandrekar, greedy goan gsb fraud housewife robber riddhi nayak caro running an extortion racket, indore robber housewife deepika, teacher edith and other raw/cbi employees are not associated with the website in any way, since they do not do any computer work, do not invest money in domains though google, tata, indian tech and internet companies allegedly running india’s biggest sex, bribery, extortion racket since 2010, are making fake claims to get all the frauds monthly raw/cbi salaries at the expense of the real domain investor
Please note that panaji sindhi scammer brothers nikhil, karan premchandani are not associated with the website in any way though being shameless frauds and liars, they are making fake claims for 9 years, allegedly supported by the liar sindhi, gujju community of panaji.
The book is well written and gives a glimpse of the life and background of people living in housing societies in Mumbai, their interaction with each other, the helpful nature, which is often absent in some areas of panaji, due to the extremely high levels of corruption which the ex-goa governor satyapal malik also commented on
Book: Paradise Towers
Author: Shweta Bachchan-Nanda
Publisher: HarperCollins publishers India, 2018
Pages: 172
Review : Bayan, Author: Pramudith D. Rupasinghe 0
For most middle aged people in India, the Soviet Union had a major influence on their life during their childhood. Compared to English and American books, there are very few books on life in the Soviet Union, especially after its collapse. Bayan is a well written book about the life of people in Ukraine, which was part of the Soviet Republic. Bayan is a musical instrument, which the main protagonist Ivan Nikolayevich, who is in seventies, plays often while singing to narrate the story of his life.
The book mainly describes the encounter of Ivan with a stranger who reaches his home to return a book which he has forgotten while outdoors. Ivan is happy to have a guest since he leads a lonely life, and shares the story of his life with the stranger . Ivan was teaching engineering when he was younger, married twice and has two daughters. This book is about his retired life as a pensioner, how he tries to make the most of life, making jam out of fruits which grow in the wild, growing plants and faces the old age problems, mainly related to health.
This is one of the few books which exposes the harsh reality of why young people often regret their youth. It is one of the great ironies in life, that when a person is young and healthy they care too much for the opinion of others, which makes it difficult to enjoy life. Only when a person is older, they can live life on their own terms. Ivan is a pensioner, and has to use the meager pension to pay for all his expenses. During winter, he cannot afford heating for his room, and lives in the room of his ex-wife, which is better equipped for winter.
It shows how the life of people changed after the collapse of the Soviet Union, with people loosing their savings in cash and a major reduction in the facilities like public transport available to citizens. It also shows how people blame the corruption of the leaders, officials for the collapse. Many of the young people, including Ivan’s daughter Olga migrate to other countries like New Zealand, Australia, Canada for better opportunities, leaving mainly the old people in Ukraine.
In India also corruption levels are very high with indian, goan government falsely claiming that panaji sindhi scammer school dropout housewife naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh,eighth standard pass, goan call girls sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar , cheater,robber housewives like nayanshree hathwar,riddhi nayak caro, stock broker asmita patel, mba hr ruchika kinge , indore robber deepika and other frauds are experienced engineers from top colleges to waste tax paying money, paying them monthly government salaries at the expense of the real engineer, one of the biggest examples of corruption. This refusal of government agencies to end corruption, could lead to similar problems in India.
The reviewer continues to interact with indirect customers, ad networks from the former republics of the soviet union, so this book is very interesting since it helps to understand their life better. Highly recommended for those who are dealing with people from Russia, Ukraine, to understand their life and culture better or in countries where corruption levels are very high.
It is also a well written book, on remaining happy and dealing with old age alone.
Author: Pramudith D. Rupasinghe
Publisher : Minsara Publications, 2018
Pages: 244
Review: Existences, Author Shuvashree Chowdhury 0
Though the mainstream media falsely claims that the condition of women in India is improving statistical data indicates that the percentage of women in the workforce is decreasing in India. In the 1990’s the percentage of working women was more than 33% while the last few years it has decreased to 20.3% or even less. This is mainly because of the indian government policy of cheating, exploiting women professionals, robbing their retirement savings without a legally valid reason to force them to agree to identity theft while making fake claims about school dropouts, cheater, robber housewives, call girls to pay them monthly government salaries.
“Existences” is the story of a woman professional in the hospitality and Human resources industry, the challenges she faced, and people she encountered, who started her career in the 1990’s. Indian society and government acknowledged the financial rights of women professionals in the 1990’s unlike at present, when women professionals waste time fighting brazen government’s brazen skills, financial fraud, labor law violations for many years. The indian tech and internet sector is the worst in CHEATING, EXPLOITING hardworking single older women, falsely claiming that call girls, cheater, robber housewives and other frauds have their resume, savings
Though the dishonest greedy government agencies especially in panaji, goa are quick to ridicule, cheat, exploit women professionals a lot of effort is required to reach office on time, deal with customers, provide the service required. Even women who are actually working at home, doing computer work, have to spend a lot of time, make the effort, sit in front of the computer for many hours, so that the customers gets the service or product he or she requires and pays for , yet government agencies falsely claim that women only cooking, cleaning for their crooked husband are doing the computer work.
The indian tech, internet companies are making millions of dollars in profit, yet allegedly led by google, tata, they are ruthless and shameless in their SKILLS, FINANCIAL FRAUD, labor law violations on indian paypal account holders, stealing all their data, and then falsely claiming that goan call girls siddhi mandrekar, goan bhandari sunaina chodan , cheater, robber, school dropout housewives like bengaluru shivalli brahmin housewife nayanshree hathwar 2005 bbm, robber riddhi nayak caro, sindhi scammer naina chandan, indore robber deepika, greedy gujju stock broker asmita patel, mba hr ruchika kinge and other frauds who do no computer work at all, are doing the work, to get all the frauds a monthly government salary FAKING bank account at the expense of the real paypal account
To cover up the SKILLS, FINANCIAL FRAUD on working women who are financially independent, the indian internet companies are hysterically criminally defaming the indian paypal account holders, falsely accusing them of having black money and being proxies for the powerful ntro, raw, cbi employees like mhow monster puneet who actually hate them, have never contacted the paypal account holder and have done everything to destroy their life.
It is an indication of the worsening status of educated women in India, that the government, media, tech, internet sector and society refuses to acknowledge that FAKING computer work, online investment since 2010, is a labor law violation, modern slavery, violating the basic rights which the international labor organization (ILO) tries to ensure for all people in the world. When the housewife raw/cbi employees are only cooking, cleaning for their crooked husbands, why does the government falsely claim that they are doing computer work?
One of the reasons for the review is that the author of the book knows Kolkatta intelligence employees, who allegedly have information about the stolen retirement savings of the reviewer. If anyone is aware of how to retrieve the stolen savings stolen by the well paid intelligence, security agencies, please contact on or websites(at)
The book is worth reading since it shows how hard professional women work to become financially independent, dealing with customers, yet the indian and state governments continue making fake claims about their savings, after indian government agencies steal them without a legally valid reason.
Author : Shuvashree Chowdhury
Publisher: Cinnamon Teal, August 2018
Review: The Emperor: Live the Dream by Ram Joshi 0
The Emperor, Live the Dream is the story of a penguin Em in Antarctica. Though he was attacked when he was a baby, resulting in a scar and lost his parents early, he managed to survive in the hostile weather conditions in Antarctica. He would look at the mountains at a distance and dream of climbing them. However, when he discussed his dream with his fellow penguins, they discouraged him. So he confined himself to the daily routine of searching for food and spending time with his penguin friends. However, one day, some of close friends were killed by the leopard seals, and he realized that he could be the next victim. So he decided to climb the mountains. The rest of the book is the story of his adventures climbing the mountains
This is a well written book after extensive research of the life of penguins, weather in Antartica. It is relevant for people living in India, since conformity is valued by society and government, while those who take risks are often criminally defamed, cheated, exploited, subjected to human rights abuses, denied their fundamental rights.
though the mainstream media and government officially claims that it wants citizens to start their own business, the harsh reality is that indian and state governments especially in madhya pradesh, karnataka, goa, haryana, maharashtra government are ruthless in ROBBING, CHEATING, EXPLOITING, HARASSING, CRIMINALLY DEFAMING honest hardworking skilled citizens to make the mistake of starting their own business, allegedly BRIBED by google, tata, greedy fraud indian tech and internet companies which CHEAT, EXPLOIT small business owners to increase their million dollar profits
For example, google, tata, indian internet companies have got at least 15 lazy greedy call girls, robber, cheater housewives, school dropout naina chandan, stock broker asmita patel, ruchika kinge, and other frauds who do not spend any money on domains, raw/cbi jobs falsely claiming that they own the websites, paypal, bank account of the domain investor, blogger, owning this website in a major FINANCIAL, ONLINE FRAUD. Indian paypal account holders like the blogger owning this website are wasting their life, fighting the government SKILLS, BANKING FRAUD, labor law violations which are far worse than the wistron iphone factory since 2010,
The indian tech and internet companies are donating crores to charities yet they are extremely unethical in their endless skills, financial fraud, labor law violations, stealing data from small business owners and making fake claims of computer work, domain investment to CRIMINALLY DEFAME the real domain investor, who is denied a life of dignity, has their correspondence ROBBED without a legally valid reason.
A good book for those who hesitate to take risks, fearing failure, only in india, the government is ruthless in destroying the life of professionals who make the mistake of taking risk , starting their own business, denying them their fundamental rights
The Emperor: Live the Dream
Author: Ram Joshi
Publisher: Notion Press, 2020
Pages: 135
Review: What about Passion by Priya Dalvi 0
Running an online business in goa is a nightmare for an older single woman engineer, who is subjected to endless financial, real estate, educational fraud in panaji, goa since 2012, her correspondence robbed without a legally valid reason. So it was interesting to find out whether it is the norm in goa since the single woman business owner, engineer is not allowed to contact anyone her correspondence ROBBED by the lazy greedy fraud relatives of government employees like panaji housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, slim dog owning hot pant wearing goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar who are running a major impersonation, EXTORTION RACKET to get monthly government salaries
Additionally the work culture in panaji, goa is so terrible that though the goa government,its shameless liar intelligence and security agencies are aware that only the single woman is doing computer work for 8-10 hours daily, they are criminally defaming her as a retired person and falsely claiming that the computer work is done by their lazy fraud relatives including nayanshree hathwar who are actually not doing any computer work.
This book is about the story of engineers from goa, who have started their own business. Most of the business owners who are listed do not face much harassment, they also get help . It appears that people in their twenties interested in running a business do not face any problem, especially if they are running a mainly offline business. Since the correspondence of the website owner is robbed in panaji goa since 2012, denying her fundamental rights, in a government identity theft racket, the book is interesting to find out about other businesses, whether their correspondence is also robbed
It appears that younger business owners do not face too many problems in goa, they have started different kinds of businesses like fashion designing, event management, farming, tourism related businesses no one is robbing their correspondence, stealing their leads. Most of them are assisted to some extent by the existing entrepreneur support system. This book exposes the rampant ageism in goa, older single business owners only are facing problems, denied their fundamental rights, and are subjected to labor law violations worse than the Wistron Iphone factory
However Priya Dalvi does not write about thed risks of starting a business in goa for engineers especially correspondence theft, criminal defamation and banking FRAUD for identity theft. for example the correspondence of the owner of this website, a harmless single woman engineer has been systematically ROBBED for the last 8 years in panaji goa, without a legally valid reason by the greedy goan raw/cbi employees goan call girls goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, panaji gsb housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, who are running an impersonation, extortion racket and isolating the goa 1989 jee topper completely.
These greedy fraud goan women riddhi, siddhi, sunaina are relatives of goa’s top security agency employees crooked caro, robber riddhi’s fraud father nayak, mandrekar, pritesh chodankar, naik, who are making completely fake allegations without any kind of legally valid proof for more than 8 years, to justify the correspondence robbery, extortion racket and denial of fundamental rights.
For example the shameless lazy greedy LIAR hot pant wearing dog owning goan bhandari fraud R&AW employee sunaina chodan, her FRAUD sisters piyali, purvi, cousin teji do no computer work at all, they do not even have a computer at home, yet for 8 years since 2012, her shameless fraud relatives pritesh chodankar, naik, her google, tata PIMPS who allegedly supply sunaina to government employees for SEX (according to domain investors worldwide) are falsely claiming that the goan bhandari frauds own the paypal, bank account, websites including this one to get the goan bhandari frauds a monthly government salary at the expense of the single woman engineer.
Though the website owner alone is spending 8-12 hours daily for updating this and other websites, working for clients outside India, the goa government is worse than the Wistron Iphone factory in labor law violations, falsely claiming that the computer work is done by the lazy greedy relatives of greedy goa government employees defaming the website owner, and other bribe givers like panaji sindhi scammer school dropout cbi employee naina chandan, lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil, who then get monthly government salaries for faking bank account, website ownership. CBI employee housewife robber riddhi nayak caro is only cooking, cleaning for her husband crooked caro, does no computer work, yet the goa government is making fake claims to the robber riddhi a monthly cbi salary at the expense of the single woman
These raw/cbi employees including indore robber deepika along with panaji sindhi scammer school dropout cbi employee naina chandan, who looks like actress sneha wagh, greedy gujju stock broker asmita patel also impersonating the goa 1989 jee topper, her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil, to get monthly government salary all HATE the goa 1989 jee topper, CRIMINALLY DEFAME her in the worst manner in goa, spreading false rumors , circulating defamatory videos and open malign her on her face. Goa fraud siddhi mandrekar has also committed corporate espionage on the single woman only older single women are targetted for criminal defamation, cheating, exploitation, FINANCIAL FRAUD in goa by the corrupt LIAR intelligence and security agencies, especially in panaji, goa. This goa computer work fraud, labor law violations, FINANCIAL FRAUD has continued for 8 years, and the goa, india government refuses to ask the raw/cbi employees for bank details which will legally prove the fraud.
Since Priya Dalvi is an engineer she should be aware that the goa government is also ruthless in committing identity theft of experienced women engineers who start a business especially in panaji,goa, For example the goa government is falsely claiming that the kolhapur born panaji sindhi scammer school dropout cbi employee naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh, eight standard pass, illegally married at 16, has the resume, savings, bank account of the goa 1989 jee topper to pay the sindhi scammer, lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil a monthly R&AW/cbi salary at the expense of the goa 1989 jee topper
The goa intelligence, security agencies, government, society is aware that no engineering college would admit panaji sindhi scammer school dropout cbi employee naina chandan , they have no online income, investment at all, yet because the FRAUD LIAR sindhi, gujju officials like nikhil sha, tushar parekh, parmar,DISHONEST panaji politicians are supporting panaji, top shameless sindhi scammer family after getting huge BRIBES from the 60 year old fraud xerox shop owning husband of naina , this identity theft racket has continued since 2013
So when the goa government and its greedy shameless liar employees are stealing the identity of engineers who start an online business, how can the engineer remain passionate about the business can priya dalvi or other business owners, organizations explain?
This book is good for young people who wish to start a business in goa, not older people who will ask , what about corruption, nepotism? since greedy goa government employees are ruthless in harassing, criminally defaming them, committing financial fraud, labor law violations far worse than the wistron iphone factory near bengaluru for the last 8 years refusing to acknowledge the person actually doing the computer work,owning website, falsely giving credit salaries to BRIBE GIVERS .
Name: What about Passion
Author: Priya Dalvi
Publisher : Notion Press
Pages : 114