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Review : Twenty nine going on thirty, Author Andaleeb Wajeed 0

Though the domain investor, online publisher registered her first domain in 2002, and owns more than 400 domains, the indian internet sector refuses to acknowledge her in a major financial,online fraud, falsely claiming that this and other domains belong to google, tata sponsored lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employees who do not spend any money on domains at all and do not control them. This government slavery, online fraud is because the domain investor is an engineer, she has never worked in any internet or tech company as an employee
So the book “Twenty nine going on Thirty” by Andaleeb Wajeed is interesting because it is set in a tech company. The main protagonist Priya is heading the social media section of a software company. The book shows how most companies are working they have plenty of employees and interns for doing comparatively less work. In contrast the domain investor is managing and other websites alone, yet since 2010, she is victim of government SLAVERY, with the government falsely claiming that various google, tata sponsored lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employees who do not spend any time, and also do not even contact the domain investor are doing the work, to pay all these frauds a monthly government salary at the expense of the domain investor who is spending her time daily.
The book also highlights the problem faced dealing with interns, many of them are extra smart, and will openly ridicule and harass their boss. They will also refuse to do what they asked, if they do not feel that their boss is smart. This exposes the goa government, indian internet sector fraud of falsely giving panaji greedy goan bhandari raw employee scammer sunaina chodan, sindhi scammer brothers karan, nikhil premchandani, siddhi mandrekar, greedy goan gsb fraud robber riddhi nayak caro who do no computer work, credit and monthly salaries only for making fake claims in a clear case of government slavery.
In her personal life also Priya is facing a problem, since she is twenty nine and is not yet married, making her worried. In india women who are not married are facing a lot of harassment socially and their professional life is also affected. This problem has worsened in the last decade, and the government agencies encourage everyone to criminally defame, cheat, exploit, rob hardworking single women professionals
Priya is sharing her house with a friend Farida in Bangalore and is facing legal problems with her relatives who are harassing her. This exposes the raw/cbi/ntro fraud of falsely giving google, tata sponsored indore robber raw employee bespectacled housewife deepika, who robbed the domain investor, credit and monthly salary for faking domain ownership, robbing the domain investor,just because she is a relative. When the relative has caused so much harm, why should she get credit and a monthly salary at the expense of the domain investor whose life she destroyed.
Another interesting aspect the book highlights is how smartphones are getting damaged very quickly, since people carry them everyone, and often spill water, food on the smartphone, destroying the electronics. So many people are spending Rs 13000-15000 periodically to replace their damaged smartphone.
Kindly note that india’s greatest domain fraudster the greedy gujju stock broker raw employee amita patel, featured in moneycontrol, hindu business line,who charges Rs 6 lakh per person for stock training, haryana scammer mba hr ruchika kinge, bengaluru brahmin cheater nayanshree hathwar and other raw/cbi employees are not associated with the website in any way, though google, tata, indian tech and internet companies allegedly running india’s biggest sex, bribery racket since 2010, are making fake claims to get all the frauds monthly raw/cbi salaries at the expense of the real domain investor
To cover up the government SLAVERY, financial fraud in the indian internet sector since 2010, the domain investor is isolated completely, especially in panaji, goa with all her correspondence being stolen by the google,tata sponsored raw/cbi employees panaji greedy goan bhandari raw employee scammer sunaina chodan, sindhi scammer brothers karan, nikhil premchandani, their school dropout mother naina premchandandani siddhi mandrekar, greedy goan gsb fraud robber riddhi nayak caro running an extortion racket.
So this book is interesting as it gives a glimpse of the life of young people working in internet companies.
Book: Twenty nine going on Thirty
Author : Andaleeb Wajeed
Publisher: Penguin books, 2018
Pages: 243

Review : Madras Merchants Life and Times 0

While there are many fiction books in India, there is relatively less information on the business practices and ethics in India in the last few decades , working conditions. The book Madras Merchants Life and times by K.R.N Menon is a reflection of indian businesses in the post independence period. K.R.N Menon was born in a relatively privileged family with his father having a flourishing accounting practice in Ceylon now Sri Lanka. After studying for some time in Madras he managed to persuade his father to send him to study at Christchurch College in Oxford, England.
However discrimination against those who are not locals, especially Indians increased in Sri lanka after the british left the country, and his father was forced to sell his accounting practice at a relatively young age of 53 and return to India, to settle in Bangalore. K.R.N.Menon also returned to India, and got a job in Best & Co, which ran an agency business representing many foreign and indian companies through out the country, as it had a large number of branch offices. The company was selling a wide range of products ranging from pharmaceuticals to industrial products like roofing. He worked mainly in sales, and was also responsible for ensuring that all the customers paid for items that they had ordered.
With hard work and relatively privileged background K.R.N Menon got promoted rapidly in the hierarchy at Best & Co and became a director at the relatively young age of 35. However in the 1970’s corruption levels in India increased rapidly, and also the internal politics in Best & Co. One day after returning from leave, K.R.N. Menon found that he had been stripped of all responsibilities except personnel. So after some time, he decided to resign from his job at the young age of 41 and start his own management consultancy Aarjay management pvt ltd.
In India intelligence and security agencies are ruthless in harassing, defaming, cheating and exploiting those who do not have a job, however they ignore the fact that in India most of the jobs are for younger people , there are relatively few opportunities for middle aged individuals who are 40 or older> Many companies are offering VRS after 40 years and many of the other jobs available for middle aged people, do not pay very well. There are only a limited number of jobs available in the top management and there is a lot of competition, so those who are well connected or have other advantages will get a better deal.
K.R.N.Menon’s wife Jaya was from the Travancore royal family, and owned a fairly large amount of property in Madras. So after he resigned from the job, K.R.N.Menon decided to develop the property, so that his family would have a passive source of income. It again highlight the problems of those who do not have a government job with pension, after they retire, they should have some source of passive income, in case they are not able to get any work .
It again shows how ruthless,inhuman, cruel and greedy indian intelligence, security and cbi officials are, stealing the retirement savings of twenty years of single woman engineers, including this website owner without a court order or legally valid, hysterically repeating allegations that they are a security threat like parrots, without any kind of proof at all. Most indian citizens do not have any property, yet fraud officials are making fake allegations to enjoy lifetime FREE SEX with google, tata sponsored call girl R&AW employees sunaina, siddhi, getting a monthly government salary for their relatives, friends and associates
The indian media is ignoring the endless atrocities of the indian intelligence and security agencies who are stealing the hard earned money of harmless indian citizens without a court order or legally valid reason, falsely claiming that they are a security threat, ignoring the fact that there are limited opportunities for middle aged citizens in India to make any money, and also their medical expenses will be higher than young people.
It is particularly scandalous how powerful shamelessd NTRO officials from top engineering colleges like j srinivasan , puneet, vijay allegedly bribed by google, tata are falsely claiming that lazy greedy inexperienced goan sex workers slim westernized goan obc bhandari slut sunaina chodnekadr, 2013, goan gsb fraud 2012 diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, who offer SEX bribes to these miserly fraud SEX starved indian government employees, nayanshree hathwar, riddhi nayak, were their btech 1993 ee classmate, have the investment of their female classmate to get the goan SEX workers R&AW jobs with monthly salary. In India in 2016, google, tata sponsored SEX worker R&AW employees sunaina, siddhi mandrekar do not have to work for years to save money or get any experience, if they have regular recreational SEX with top CBI, NTRO, security agency officials, the indian government will falsely their SEX worker R&AW employee with no non SEX experience, no savings have the investment of the woman who the sex partners of these call girls are defaming
In 2016, the indian had started a campaign to encourage, reward SEX workers, cheater housewives and other frauds wasting tax payer money to pay them a monthly salary, giving them a monthly R&AW salary with fake resume, fake investment and fake work. The call girl reward program of the indian government is again highlighted because fraud ntro, google, tata officials will falsely claim that their puppet goan call girl R&AW employees slim westernized goan obc bhandari slut sunaina chodnekar ,goan gsb fraud siddhi mandrekar, sex specialists, own the website, and are writing content, when these lazy greedy mediocre tata, google sponsored CALL GIRL R&AW employees do not do any work, and do not spend any money online on domains at all, yet shamelessly and greedily want to claim credit, and get a monthly indian government salary
This book is a good read about the uncertainty in the life of a professional working in a private company who does not get any pension or benefits after leaving the job.
Madras Merchants Life and Times
by K.R.N.Menon
Published in 2012
Cinnamon teal publishing

Call centre An inside story by Vikrant Shukla 0

Some of the most lucrative jobs available in both cities and small towns for young people in India at present are available are at call centres, yet there is relatively little information available for people in conventional professions, except the occassional news of the murder of a call centre employee after returning from work. The book ” Call centre An inside story by Vikrant Shukla ” gives a glimpse of the life of an entry level call center employee.
The main protagonist Shiv has got a law degree in Kanpur,and is working as an assistant to a senior advocate Balram Rastogi. He soon realizes that he will not make any money soon, and it is difficult to become a successful lawyer if a person does not have any relative already working as a lawyer. So he decides to look for other options to make a reasonable amount of money and his brother who is working in Pune suggested that he try working in a call center.
So along with his middle class mother, Shiv makes a trip to Pune to try his luck at the call centers. He initially goes for walk in interviews which are advertised in Ascent section of times of india, and so when referred to by a neighbour, yet he has no luck because of his voice which has a strong MTI or mother tongue influence. So he is forced to go for professional training at a consultancy firm named Crossway which has a 15 day course in which the students are taught how to neutralize their indian accent and are coached specifically for a call center position.
At crossway he is fortunate that the coach abbas provides comprehensive training so that he is accepted at a call center named Corporate Clients which deals with american clients like Circular wireless. His colleagues who he is also friendly with include Alex, Sumit and Tanya. After working at the call center for some time, Sumit and Tanya take a loan from IEIE bank to purchase a new car. Some time later Tanya takes leave of 10 days to go to Nagpur for a medical emergency in her family, only to disappear and is never traced despite the best effort of sumit, her boyfriend.
Later at a blood donation camp, the company finds that sumit who was dating tanya was HIV positive. After sumit recovers from the shock, sumit resigns and decides to relocate to goa, without repaying the loan he had taken from IEIE bank.The good natured Keralite Alex who had stood guarantor for sumit and tanya is forced to repay the loan they had taken, with emis from his salary, though tanya alone had possession with the car. They later find out that tanya had duped them, her landlord in Pune knew her as Shivani.
Alex who was also studying for his MBA finds a better job after completing his MBA, However shiv finds that prospects are limited outside the call center industry , continues, and is promoted to the designation of team leader after some time. Though the salary is attractive the prospects at the call center remain limited and the lifestyle which forced people to work at night, can take a toll on the persons health. An interesting and honest glimpse into the life of a person working in a call centre, the qualification, training required and lifestyle.

Call centre An inside story
by Vikrant Shukla
Publisher Mehta Publishing house
pages: 299

Please note that dishonest shameless top officials in NTRO, R&AW, CBI, tata, google are allegedly falsely claiming that lazy greedy goan gsb frauds housewife lead thief riddhi, fraud diploma holder slut siddhi mandrekar who commited corporate espionage , obc slut slim bsc sunaina who offers SEX BRIBES to these shameless top officials in India, shivalli brahmin cheater housewife bbm nayanshree hathwar, semiliterate housewife naina, indore housewife veena, blackmailer ruchika, stock broker asmita patel and others who have allegedly got lucrative jobs in R&AW, India’s external intelligence agency, falsely claiming to have a Btech 1993 ee degree, are domain investors and Paypal account holders when these frauds do not spend a single paisa on domain names or do any work, in exchange for sex bribes or other favors from these fraud women.
The shivalli brahmin cheater bbm nayanshree hathwar has looted the domain investor, obc engineer of more than Rs 1.1 lakh, and has been rewarded for her section 420 fraud allegedly with a lucrative job in R&AW, falsely claiming that she has the resume of the obc engineer she looted including the Btech 1993 EE degree and owns the domain names, when she and others do not spend a single paisa on the domain names . bengaluru cybercrime refused to register the complaint against the brahmin cheater nayanshree allegedly because tata, google are protecting and rewarding the section 420 cheater nayanshree.
If any R&AW, CBI, NTRO, IB officials can help the obc engineer recover the money looted by brahmin cheater it will be appreciated

If interested in advertising, please contact the real domain investor at